Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 27 (11/28/11) - Thanksgiving and surprise investigator!!

Monday, November 28, 2011
Hey everyone!

How are you all?! I love you all so much!

Hey! So, the most exciting news of the week!!! 2 members of our ward got their mission calls! One will be going to Nicaragua, and the other will be going to Honduras San Pedro Sula! I am pretty sure that is the same mission as Thomas, right?? Maybe he will train him! He is such an awesome kid! He is a recent convert from last September and he is the only member in his family! His mom doesn’t want ANYTHING to do with the church and doesn’t care at all that he is going on a mission! He is really strong and has a lot of faith! He is a really strong example for me! I am here and I have all of you guys and it is hard! I don’t know how I could do it like him but he is so faithful and excited! It is cool!!! Anyway, let Thomas' mom know and tell her to tell him that his name is Marvin Esperanza and that he will be coming into the mission at the beginning of March - right at his year mark! CRAZY! Thomas has already been out almost a year!!!

So, as for other news, they do not celebrate Thanksgiving here but they did have a big party at the church (not for thanksgiving though haha)! But we went to talk to a couple investigators and stuff (we aren’t supposed to be in parties very long so we just stayed a few minutes) but we got some delicious pupusas! I love pupusas! They have some that they make with a type of squash that they grow here called ayote and it is so good!!! But NO worries! They do celebrate Christmas! Everyone already has up their Christmas lights here. It is really funny because all the trees are still green! It looks so funky! AND GUESS WHAT?! We get DUCK for Christmas dinner! The bishop invited us over to eat and he said that is what he’s going to make! YUMMY!! Funny though, here they celebrate Christmas on the 24th! But I will be calling on the 25th sound good?? I will be calling in the afternoon sometime…my companion and I are going to talk about it and stuff to find out when we should call :) Anyway! Let’s just say I'm stoked! Oh and by the way I found out that I can't use Skype so you should call and find out how much it costs to call per minute to El Salvador, sound good?? 

Other than that, this week was pretty basic! We didn’t have a baptism this last weekend but we might this next weekend! We have a lot of cool people we are working with! A mom and a son named Patricia and Brian that are really nice! We are working right now to help them to strengthen their testimony of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith but that is their only doubt right now! We also have a surprise investigator! Remember Patricia and her kids, Mario and Sarai? Well, remember how their mom, Patricia, couldn’t be baptized until a week later?? Well, the reason was because of the Law of Chastity and she got rid of her boyfriend! But now, he wants to learn the gospel so they can be married in the temple! How cool is that?! We are teaching them and I think that if all goes well he can be baptized before the new year!

So exchanges were this week! We got a few new elders in the zone and it is nice to see a change! I will only be in my area for one more change! I will be leaving here about the 3rd of January!

Other than that, I don’t know that there is much more! Just thank you so much for all that you have done for me! I love you all so so so much!! Stay strong and remember to have faith! I pray for each of you every day!!

Elder Woodfield

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