Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 22 (10/24/11) - New comp and everyday life!

Elder Woodfield will finally (maybe) send pictures next week! :) 

Monday, October 24, 2011
Hello family! I love you all!

Como estan  todo? Me gustaria hablar en español por un minuto esta bien? Gracias! Esta semana ha estado muy bien! hemos trabajado mucho y tenemos una fecha bautismal por el proximo fin de semana!

Hey everyone! How have you all been this week? The rain here finally stopped! We have jumped back up to our 90 degrees with 100 percent humidity all day, every day! Yay!! haha I hear it has been fluctuating up there between the 70s and 40s? Cool cool! Sounds really nice! I want to not be a stinky sweaty person for a change! I have totally forgotten what air conditioning feels like! I was talking to my companion the other day and we were like, “what are we going to do when we get home?! We will go to brush our teeth and have a cup to go brush our teeth!” I was like “Woah! I used to be able to just use a sink and drink right out of the sink?? I had almost forgotten! Loco, eh? Anyway, as you can see, I am basically a true Salvadorian now! If I wake up and there isn’t any water to shower, I don’t worry, I just take a bucket shower. I am totally used to the noises that come through our non-existent front wall and it is all good! haha Wow when I first got here, I was like, “Are you serious?! This is so different! I hate it!” Now, it’s just normal! haha but I definitely miss the snow ;) send pictures, deal???

Anyway, this week was way good! To start out the week, we couldn’t leave on Monday but Tuesday we could! The rain had basically stopped so we could go out! But basically all week, we have just been working really hard to find new people and get the people we have closer to baptism! We have one guy named Manuel that will be baptized this weekend! He has had a lot of problems with alcohol in the past but now he has given it up! His family (mom and sisters) are all members and they have helped him a lot to complete his goals! We have also been working with the bishop to help him to feel comfortable and everything! Anyway, pray for all to go well in this next week yeah? :)

Also, we have found 3 really cool families! (Really, only one "complete" family with a man and wife but the rest are families too in reality!)  But one family is familia Garcia - Francisco and Karla. This couple just had their first baby 3 weeks ago! Grand new and so beautiful! But they are really good people! We just started teaching them this week! They seem really positive but we definitely need more time to tell for sure, right? :)  Also, we have another family, a mom and a son - Patricia and Bryan! They are really positive! We challenged her to be baptized in the second lesson and she said yes! We need to explain a lot to her but she really wants her and her son to be baptized! So exciting! Also, we are teaching another family that has a mom, a son, and a daughter! The mom’s name is Sandra and the daughter is Sarai and the son is Mario. They are really good friends with a member in the ward and we have been having him at our lessons. It has been a lot of fun! The mom is a little fed up with religion - so many people telling her what to do and so many people telling her different things. The gospel is good for her! The way the spirit teaches is by calming those confusions and helping her to learn and that is what is happening with her! It has really been testimony-building experience to teach her and her family! I love the gospel! I am so excited for this opportunity to teach and to learn! I love it!

Anyway, some random facts from this week :) Me and Elder Hammond (his full name is Steven Michael Hammond :)), have been doing a lot of talking! I have loved talking in English, not going to lie! You never realize how much you love a language until you can’t speak it for three months! But anyway, throughout the day, we only speak Spanish, but at night when we come back to our hous,e we speak a lot of English! It is really fun! We talk about stories from school, our girlfriends, and just a lot of fun stuff! He went to BYU-I before his mission and he has a girlfriend that is still going up there! I love having someone to talk about Lizzie! I love sharing stories and just laughing for a change! I still have a lot to learn about the Latino’s jokes and humor! It is a lot harder to understand! But yeah, it has been cool! I love my companion and he is already a good teacher! He is  really driven to do everything and he learns really fast, a lot like Lizzie (haha)! So it is very enjoyable to be around such a familiarly cultured person! haha It is nice!

So everyone, once again, I am a failure! I forgot my camera this week! You can be mad at me if you really want..... haha but I PROMISE that this next week I will bring it and send pictures, deal????

Anyway, I love you all so so so so much! I hope that you are all doing well! If there is anything I can do for you, let me know! I am always praying for you all! Thanks so much for your love and support here! I couldn’t do this with out you all! Thank you so so so much!!!! Thanks again!!

I love you all!!

Braden Woodfield

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