Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 20 (10/10/11) - Another baptism! Carlos!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Hola familia!

What´s happenin’?? I am in kind of a rap mood haha there is rap music playing in the place I am writing this email! And that is what inspired the "What´s happenin’" haha stupid I know! Anyway, how is everyone? Everyone loving the fall weather? (Apart from Lizzie I guess, who is still in the crazy land of Asia! Crazy girl! hehe) Anyway, I totally miss the cold weather! I want snow!!! Or at least less than 90 degree weather! We will be partying it up on the ski slopes the winter I get home, deal? Sounds good! And Derek, don’t worry, we will be partying it up on the lake wakeboarding before you leave on your mission! 

So guess what????? We were able to baptize Carlos this week! Crazy eh eh eh? He is 18 years old and we were teaching him along with the family of 4 we baptized the week before conference! He wants to go on a mission and we are preparing him for his mission and everything! It is cool the ward already gave him the priesthood and he is a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood!! Cool, eh???

Some other things that have happened this week! Elder Encarnacion is leaving the area this Wednesday, so he has been saying goodbye to all the recent converts and the members of the ward and they have all been asking to feed us! For about 3 days now we have had at least 2-3 dinners! Don’t worry, mom! Whatever weight I lost will be back in no time at this rate! haha It is all really good food, it is just so much! You can’t say no and you have to try and finish the food or else they get offended! So, several times I have been barely shoveling in the last few bites in!

In other news, we haven’t had water for 4 days now??? I have no idea what happened to it! I think they just like to torture the missionaries! They said something like, the “bomba” broke? Bomba means bomb... but I think it is slang for pump. Anyway, long story short about, 100 houses haven’t had water for a few days! We have been taking baths with our drinking water! So exciting! I have been paying about 1 dollar for each bath I take the past few days! Haha funny, eh??

Well that is about it for this week! I still don’t know if I am going to be trainer yet. I will probably find out tonight I am or not! I will let you all know next week! Also Mom, I got my package! I forgot to tell you last week! I got it a week and a half ago on Thursday! Thank you so much for my sheets! I love them! Also thank you all for the Dear Elders (Lizzie mainly this last week, I don’t think I got any from anyone else last week but thanks everyone for the ones you have sent in the past!)

And pictures.... I just pulled out my camera to put the pictures on and Elder Encarnacion said that he tried to send a picture and it deleted the pictures on his memory card (only 2-3 pictures that were for the mission office nothing that cant be replaced) So...... I am going to wait! Maybe I will have my friend in the ward send a few this week! I will try! Anyway, I hope that you are all excited for my pictures for when they can be sent!!!

Love you all! I hope you are all doing awesome! I pray for you all every night and morning! Keep me in your prayers!!!


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