Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 21 (10/17/11) - Floods in El Salvador! New Companion! He's safe!

It was SO good to hear from Braden again this week! He is doing well and working SO hard! He has a new companion from Idaho. They are stuck in their home for the next 2 days because of the floods through Central America. But most importantly, our Braden is SAFE. Read about what he's been up to! Another successful week!

Monday, October 17, 2011
Hola Familia!!!

How are you all?? I hear it is nice and sunny up there and 75 degrees, eh?? That sounds good! I hope that the weather is good in India as well!!! Here we have been a bit wet hehe but that isn’t important right now, I want to tell you about my new companion!!!

So this last Monday, we got home that night and were about to go to bed when President Glazier (the mission president) called our house to call me to be a trainer! He said we needed to be in San Salvador at 8 o’clock the next morning for a training conference! I was so nervous but so excited at the same time!!! Anyway, San Salvador is about an hour and a half away so we had to leave our house at 6:30 to get there on time!!! But, when we got there, we had a meeting with all the new missionaries, who had gotten there the day before, and all the trainers! They talked a little bit about the training program and we had a little bit of breakfast! Then, the new missionaries left (I still didn’t know who my companion was at this point) and the trainers had another meeting to get us all motivated and excited (not that I needed it, I was so excited!) After, we came back to our area and I finished my last day with Elder Encarnacion! The next morning, we left our house at 5:30 to go to Santa Tekla, where our Stake Center is, (that is where all the missionaries in our stake meet when we change companions). When I got there the Assistant to the President introduced me to my new companion! Guess what?! He is gringo! He is from Idaho!! Crazy, eh? I am assigned to serve with another Elder that. before the MTC, spoke absolutely no Spanish! I was like… hmm … OK! Sounds great! Let’s go and do this! You know?! I was stoked! But my companion is awesome! He is really nice, very loving, and works so hard! His Spanish is a lot better then mine was when I first got here, and he can understand basically everything. He is working so hard to improve his Spanish! I will send you all a picture next week! (I know, I know, I haven’t sent pictures for a long time but I promise I will get you all some soon ok?? I’m sorry!!! I love you all still if that helps!) Anyway, we came back to our area and we have been working hard ever since! Being Senior Companion is definitely a lot harder than Junior Companion…but being a trainer and a Senior Companion is crazy! haha Definitely keep me in all your prayers deal? We have been working hard and we have been learning so much! In the last 4 days, my Spanish has been getting better and better by leaps and bounds! I can teach hour long lessons without any problem understanding or talking, and I can have complete conversations about whatever else with hardly any problem. It is amazing to see how much the Lord has blessed me! I have had so much help! Thank you everyone for your prayers and your support!

So you all want to know something? There has been a hurricane in Guatemala this past week and because of it, I haven’t seen the sun since last Monday!!! It has been raining without a single pause since Monday night last week!!! Crazy, huh? And it isn’t just light rain, it is a lot of rain!! And there have been mud slides in the mountain regions of the country! (Please don’t worry we live in a very, very extremely safe spot!) But some of the members in our ward have had problems in their houses. Yesterday, we went to help clear out some stuff from the mud slides! It was crazy! They are just little ones, not like the gigantic ones, but they take out bushes and sometimes little trees! Also, all of a sudden, in the lower part of our area, a river started! haha It caused some damage and flooded some peoples homes! Because of all this damage, and more throughout the whole country, we have been confined to our houses for all of today and tomorrow! They said we could leave to buy food today and write our families and that is it! They just don’t want us being tempted to go and visit those people that are in the places that are having trouble I guess! So, we are going to be stuck here for a while! Can you guys help us pray to have the rain stop so we can go visit our investigators?? Good :) Thanks guys!! P.S. I am completely safe and I have never felt in danger! Our house is seriously one of the only parts that hasn’t had trouble! We are on high ground and our area has good drainage systems! I AM SAFE :)

Something funny - this week, I got 16 letters!!! I got this huuuuuuuge stack of letters this last Friday, and no one else got letters!!! I got all the letters from Lizzie since August 26th (I haven’t gotten any since the beginning of September) and I also got 6 dear elders! And a letter from Mom and Lizzie’s cousins! Let’s just say, I felt pretty special! hehehe I loved it! Thank you so so much everyone!!!

Anyway, I love you all!! I hope you are all doing so good!!! I miss you all so much and I pray for everyone every morning and night! I am excited for a couple months when we can talk on Christmas! If there is anything I can do for you all, please please let me know! I am here to do anything for anyone! I love you all so much! Stay safe!!! (especially Lizzie the Explorer over there doing all her crazy adventures in India! haha)

With Love,

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