Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 23 (10/31/11) - Lots and lots of investigators!!

Monday, October 31, 2011
Hello everyone!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

How are you all??? Thank you all for your emails! I haven’t quite finished reading them yet but I will finish them after I email! It is like a bit of a treat haha I like to read a bit of them to see if there is anything crazy, but then I finish reading them later haha I am weird, I know! But I am glad that all seems to be good up there in Utah! Sounds like it is starting to get colder and colder! I love this time of year in Utah! I can’t wait to be cold again! haha as for Lizzie in India, there is definitely a different story there - desert and camels! Crazy girl :)

As for the week here, BUENO! It has been a crazy week full of work and people! We weren’t able to have Manuel's baptism this past weekend because he got a new job and had training! He had his baptismal interview this past Thursday and passed! But then he had to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday allllllll day! So, we weren’t able to have his baptism this past week but we plan to do it on Tuesday night!! It is going to be cool! I really hope it all goes well! He will be calling us and letting us know if he can do the baptism tomorrow or not and I am hopeful that we can! Keep him in your prayers! 

As for other news! We have 7 other people that have committed to baptism! We have Patricia and Brian (I think I described them last week :)) but they live on a street that is very social and so every time we go to teach them, we find new people to teach! We invited Brian and Patricia to church this last week and they said they could come! Well, they also brought four friends to church as well!! It was cool! We had 10 investigators in church yesterday and all of them are really positive!! But anyway, Brian and Patricia have committed to baptism, as well as their neighbor that is 12 years old!

Also, the Martinez family has committed to baptism! They are the family of three. And they are really nice! Sandra, Sarai, and Mario! I was the one that had the chance to ask them to be baptized and I hadn't even finished asking “Will you be baptized?” and they were all shaking their heads really enthusiastically! I love missionary work! We have been teaching these two families for about two weeks and even though we cant speak their language perfectly, the spirit is teaching with such an amazing love and strength! Also, it helps to have members in our lessons! This last week, we had 25 lessons with members and only 2 without members! It is so fun to have members there to help us and translate our medium-level Spanish! haha

Also, we have one more baptismal date! Her name is Claudia! I don’t know if I have mentioned her before but she is the sister of a member! She is a little bit more difficult of an investigator than others! Sometimes, we will go to her house and she will just be plain and simple ornery and won’t want to listen! But she has been progressing a lot! Her biggest problem is that she is living with a guy that doesn’t want her to be baptized and won’t marry her! So we have to work on breaking that barrier down…as I say, make up or brake up! They either need to split up or get married!! haha

The Martinez family has a date for the 12th of November. Patricia and Brian and Norman (their neighbor) have a date for the 19th of November. Claudia has a date for either the 12th or 19th of November - she still hasn’t decided haha

But I am really excited about all the people that are changing their lives here! It is so cool to teach and see the power of the atonement work in their lives!  I love missionary work and I love that I have this opportunity to serve and to learn!

In other news! We have been working a lot with the bishop and ward council! My old companion didn’t like to work with them very much he always said that they were lazy... well, I just have to say that when you are working and serving them, they love to serve you too! Our bishop is really cool and works a lot! I love this ward!

Hmmmm… well, I think that is about it from this week! I know it is probably pretty boring to just hear about a lot of other people but it is really my life right now! haha I hope that noone is bored of my letter! I will try and do something cool this week or something deal?? haha Oh! And pictures! I am having a kid in our ward put them on a CD and that way I will have a back up and can send them with out fear! I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE I will have them next week deal!???? I know it has been over a month! But patience is a virtue right?? An attribute of Christ?? :) haha

Anyway! I love you all so so much! If there is anything that I can do for you, let me know and I will do it!!!

I love you all!!!

Elder Braden Woodfield

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