Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 19 (10/03/11) - Investigator Review and GC!

Monday, October 3, 2011
Hola Familia!

Como estan????? Espero que todo es bueno! I love you all! I am glad to hear that General Conference was good for all of you! What were your favorite talks?? I got to watch all 5 sessions! They show them in the churches through Satellite or Internet, depending on the church! The only thing.... they are in Spanish! haha I understood when I was focused and was able to take lots of notes! But I had a hard time staying awake… sitting in a dark, hot room listening to something that I couldn’t understand if I didn’t give my full attention! haha So I was riding the bull a bit, you know, the head bob when your trying your hardest to stay awake but its a worthless fight? haha Well, let’s just say, I took a couple needless bathroom breaks just to wake myself up! haha chivo eh?? (chivo is cool/sweet in Salvadoranio) Anyway! I loved it! And I can’t wait to get the written versions in Spanish and English so I can read them and get more out of them!

This past week has been a pretty normal week of missionary work! Lots of appointments and lots of work! We are teaching new people and will be having baptisms throughout the month! One person, Carlos, is a person that we have been teaching along side the family of Erasmo. He is so awesome! He came to the baptism this past week and said that he wants to be the next one baptized! He already has a strong testimony and wants to go on a mission! (He is 18 right now) We have been teaching him for a few weeks and he will be baptized this next week! Also, we have been teaching a guy named Manuel, he lives with his family who are all strong and active Mormons (the two daughters went on missions and the mom works in the temple), but he is not baptized yet because of problems with alcohol! Well, about a month ago, with his family’s help, he gave up alcohol and asked that we start teaching him the lessons! It is cool to see how, now that he doesn’t drink, he wants the gospel! I love it! He will probably be baptized the 15th ish :) Also, we have a family, Family Orellana. The kids were baptized about 2 months ago (before I got here), but the parents couldn’t be baptized because they weren’t married and they needed to have a divorce to be married! Well the divorce is about finished and they will be married and baptized! I love to hear their comments! They have such a strong desire to be baptized and go to church! I love it!

Also an update on a few people we were teaching in the past... It is sad but we can’t baptize a few people! Jhonny - we were teaching and he was really positive! But then all of a sudden he just stopped being at home when he said he was going to be! We went to his house every day for almost 3 weeks and he was never home! We had to drop him… Hopefully Missionaries in the future will be able to find and teach him!  Also, Familia Iraheta - they haven’t been progressing and we were just wasting time there so we are going to give them some time to think and try again in a couple weeks! I hope that they receive the gospel! I really do love them so much!!! Also Karla, she is the lady that her husband left her, well he came back! That is great news right?!? The only problem is that he works all day long and we can never teach him! We don’t want to baptize Karla without him because then we would be baptizing a lady that would just be inactive and go to church with her husband (that is the type of person she is - super super receptive of the gospel but loves her husband so much!) but we are going to try and teach him. But if not, the Lord will prepare a way for both of them to receive the gospel in the future! Anyway, I thought that you would like to hear about them! I didn’t want to just stop mentioning them! Keep praying for them for me, k? I love them all so much and I hope that they have the opportunity to receive the gospel and go to the temple someday!!

Anyway - something cool! This probably going to be my last week being Junior Companion! We have changes next week and Elder Encarnacion is going to leave to another area and I will more then likely be the Senior Companion of this area! Also, there is a rumor going around that I will train! If that is the case, all I have to say is I am nervous! haha training means that I will be not only Senior Companion but I will also have a companion that is brand new in the mission field! (most likely a native from Guatemala or Honduras) but freak! So fast! haha I am nervous but I know that the Lord will help me if that is the case! I will find out next Monday If I train or not and I will let you all know! It might not be until Monday night after I write though, so it might be two weeks!

Anyway! Crazy stuff!! haha I love you all! I hope that all is going well and that everyone is safe and happy!

I love you!!!!!

Elder Braden Woodfield

P.S. tell James congrats! That’s freakin’ awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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