Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 78 (11/19/2012) - Festivals, Snow, and Familias

Hola Familia!

Hi! How are you all? Is all going well up there in snowy Utah? I hope there is still snow! I love snow! If there isn't, keep praying for snow! Or at least pray that next year when I am home, there will be lots of snow so I can have a nice white Christmas! haha I love the weather here, though! This is the best time of year for weather! At this time of year, there is a lot of wind and the temperature drops at night! It is so nice to sleep when it's not 100 degrees! haha Woo!

But anyway, this week was a good week! There has been a HUGE festival here in Gotera! They have had celebrations every single day for the last 18 days! It ended yesterday and I was so glad! Every day, all day they set off loud fireworks and at night, they have really loud dances with music that is really, really bad! haha it's funny! But I am glad that I am able to sleep now! The music is so loud and goes until 1 or 2 in the morning! But it is all tranquilo (quiet) again!

So anyway, all is well with investigators! The Familia Rosales (the ones we found last week that lived close to my last area) are progressing! They are reading the Book of Mormon a lot and they are doing great! They haven't been able to go to church yet for problems they've had with health but they will be going this next week! They are great! Also, we've got the Familia Abrego... they have problems with papers still! Do you guys know anyone that is going to Honduras soon? haha just kidding! We need a miracle! Keep praying for them! Also, there is a little girl that is 13 that we are teaching as well! Her name is Maria and she is a twin! Guess what... her twin sister's name is also Maria! Why do you name twins the exact same name?! haha the sister is already baptized and we are teaching them both, they are doing well!

Anyways, love you all! Happy Thanksgiving this week! I hope you all eat some pumpkin pie for me! Pumpkin pie is not found in El Salvador! haha I love it, so eat lots of it! Anyway, enjoy your week! I love you all!!


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