Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 62 (07/30/2012) - Hola Familia!

Hey Family!!! 

Well, I just had my whole email get erased! haha I will write it like I wrote it just barely! AH haha I hate that!

Hola! como esta?! How are you all liking the hot weather up there?? Do you all like how I always talk about the weather at the first of my emails?? haha it's like if I go strait into talking about my investigators or how I'm doing, it is a little too fast haha so I talk a bit about the weather to prepare you all a bit! haha anyway, weather here is the same always! haha so it's all good!

So I keep getting emails that say things like "hey, write more stories!" So I decided that maybe i'll do just that! haha but bear with me!

So this week we had a good week! A lot of people came to church this week! The Familia Lino (Byron and Abigail and their kids, Byron Jr. and Wendi) came! Uay! We have been teaching them often and they are progressing really well in the Church! They are great! This week they gave us both a little keychain that has our name burned into it! It is so cool! They are really great! I love how they treat us! They are so awesome! They are fun to teach! We taught them the Plan of Salvation this week and they loved it! We taught about the Celestial Kingdom and how there, they can be together forever as a family and they really want it! It's great!

As for the Familia Cañas (Candalaria and Rafael), they are doing good as well! Candalaria came to church this week! Yay! Rafael couldn't come because of work but he said that soon he won't have to work Sundays and he can come to church! Yay! But also something funny that happened to us this week was that yesterday we were teaching them the Word of Wisdom and we were reading the commandment and everything talking about how it was really important! We knew that they had a problem with coffee so we were focusing on that! Then we finished teaching and challenged them to stop drinking coffee and they said yes! But then Rafael said, "Wow, I didn't know that Soy coffee was that bad to drink, I thought it was good!" haha I felt dumb because soy coffee is what we give them to help them stop drinking real coffee and it's not against the word of wisdom! haha so we taught for a solid 45 minutes and they weren't even breaking the word of wisdom! haha gotta love it! I wish people would just not even get near "coffee" named products it would make everything so much easier! haha

So this week, we also got a new companion! The Elders in an area close to ours had a bit of a change! One of the elders was a MINI missionary and he is from El Salvador, serving a mini mission of like 5 weeks! So he was here working well and doing lots and then all of a sudden, he got a hang nail, and they said that he had to go home to get it taken care of! Well, all of a sudden, Elder Alemeda (the other missionary) was companionless! So he is with us until the changes that are this week! Speaking of changes, I have no clue who will be my companion! And to answer your questions, I won't necesarilly be a zone leader my whole mission, they could change me to train again to do other things but it all depends on what the Lord wants! This change, I won't be changing areas - I have only had two areas and that is a little different. Normally missionaries have 6 or 7 areas in their missions and I only have 2 and I'm more then halfway done! haha but I love it! I get a chance to know everyone and to help more people! Also, you asked if I speak often in meetings? Well, I personally never speak alone if I speak, it's always with my companion but like yesterday, we taught the fifth Sunday lesson! Our theme was "what have I done to help move forward the purpose of the Lord?" It went well! But it's probably like once a month that we have to talk in front of a large crowd! Not too often!

Well, I think thats about it for today! I love you all! Stay happy! Stay close!


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