Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 64 (08/13/2012) - Favorite Companion and lots of contacts

Hello Familia!

Como estan todos?! I love you all!! So, this week has been a great week here in San Marcos! We have worked really hard and had a lot of success! This last week we had a meeting with all of our zone! There were 16 missionaries there and President and Hermana Glazier came as well! It was really good! We talked a lot about miracles! I know I mentioned a bit about miracles in last week's email but I want to mention them again! Many times people think that miracles are just the small every day things that happen to us in life, but it's so not true! Those things are also miracles, but God has even greater miracles in store for us today! People can change, we can receive things that we need and are praying for! It is so cool!

Anyway, keep studying about miracles and stuff! It's great! So, this week we had a good week with all of our investigators! The Familia Lino couldn't come to church yesterday because he had to work! But we hope that we can get to teach him tonight! We still have to contact him though! Sometimes he works like 3 days straight! haha jobs stink here! But la Familia Canas is cool! We have been teaching them both! Candalaria came to church yesterday! Rafael couldn't because he was with one of their neighbors at the hospital all night so he didn't sleep but we went and taught them again! They are both so close to baptism but they are scared to accept a firm date! Pray for them, for us! Also, we have been working hard to find new people this week! We found a new guy named Javier (yes, like the restaurant) haha but he is cool! He is the type of person that analyzes every word you say and takes it very literally! haha like one time he asked, "Does your church let you get married outside of the members?" and I said "Yes, it does but it sometimes causes problems in the marriage because one person is like, 'Go to my church' and the other is saying the same." Javier told me, "So.... you are saying that religion is bad? I was like "No! I didn't say that at all!" haha But he is still a really cool guy! We are just starting to teach him but he's doing good!

So other than that, it's going really well here! Elder Tilley (from Bountiful) went home this last weekend! So now it is just me and Elder Mehr! We get along really, really well! We have a lot of fun together and we work really hard! We fly from place to place and my companion loves to talk to people! It's kind of funny when he gets all excited to knock doors - he like runs from house to house! If someone rejects him, he just says "Thanks! Adios!" and then runs to the next door! We do a lot of contacts and he makes it really fun to do! We have a lot of fun together! He is probably the only companion that I really want to hang out with after my mission! I have loved being with a lot of other companions but we are just so similar! We have the same desires, we have shared a lot of the same experiences in life, and it is just awesome!! I love it here! Wouldn't change a thing! Keep being happy! Never stop studying the scriptures and never forget that church things are always first! I love you so much!!!!!!

Stay happy everyone! Work hard and never forget that if there is anything you all need, I am here to help!


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