Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Week 63 (08/06/2012) - New companions!

Elder Tilley, Elder Mehr, and Elder Woodfield

Hey family!

So, it's been a great week! This week we had changes and I am still in San Marcos! The same area, but I did change companions this last week! Elder Rogers went home and finished, and then I got 2 new companions! I am still in a trio right now! I am with an Elder named Elder Mehr (Scott Mehr from Wisconsin) and Elder Tilley (Jordan Tilley from Bountiful, Utah) and they are great! Elder Tilley is just with us for this week and then he goes home to study! He is also finishing his mission, but he will be studying at the U! Woo!! haha but cool they are both great! Elder Mehr is super energetic and runs everywhere to work! It is great to be with someone that is actually excited to work!!! WOOOOO!!!! They are both awesome missionaries and it is really fun to be in a trio! Too bad it won't be for very long! haha but it's great!

But yeah, so Elder Mehr played hockey for the BYU Hockey team, he also has a girlfriend that lives in Provo! It's funny because our stories seem to been so similair! They have been together about the same time as me and lizzie and they are really happy too! Lizzie, look her up! It would be cool if you could be friends with her! We'll totally go on double dates with Elder Mehr when we get back! haha

And then Elder Tilley, he is cool too! He worked in the mission office as a Secretary for a while (there are secretaries there to do financial work and forms and that stuff and there are normal missionaries that work there for a few months) so I already knew him before! He is really, really funny and a really good teacher! I love working with them both! Elder Tilley likes to play golf and is a goofball (if you can call him that) haha I will attach a picture of us all with this email!

So this week we have been doing a lot of contacting (looking for new people). We've found a few good families but we still haven't gone back to teach them (not until this week) so I will let you all know next week how it goes! Other than that, all is pretty calm around here! Weather is good! It rains about every other day! So a couple cool things happened this week! Familia Lino went to church again!!! WOOOO haha and then also Rafael (Candalaria's brother) also went to church! Sweet! They are coming along I guess you could say! But also this week, I have been learning a lot about faith! When I first got my new companions, we studied and talked about faith and miracles. We read the scripture that says "have miracles ceased to exist?" in Moroni 7 and thinking about it, it's so true! Many times we go through life struggling and struggling but many times it is because we've forgotten that miracles still exist! With faith and a lot of prayer and hard work, God can give us many, many blessings! We are his children and he wants to bless us! We must come unto him and trust in him! I know that this works in missionary work and also in real life! Like the hymn "I am a child of God" says "I am a child of God and so my needs are great," we need many things here in this life and God is ready to give them to us, we just need to become worthy, be ready to work for it, and have a lot of faith and God can give it to us! Whether it be a job, good grades, comfort, direction. God can give it to us! I loved talking with my companions about this because I really learned so much!

Life is great here! I love being here and wouldn't choose to do anything else! I love my Savior and want to serve him with all my heart! Keep working hard up there in Utah! I love you all so much! Love you all!!!!


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