Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Week 61 (07/23/2012) - Zone Conference and one week to transfers...

Zone Conference
Braden says these people are awesome! This is all of the missionaries he is working with right now!
The second guy from the right, Elder Alex Larson from Idaho is one of his best friends. 
Hola familia!

¿Como están?

How is everyone doing today? I hope that everone is happy! Happy Birthday Avee! WOO! I promise I will make you a cake next year, no worries! Love you Avee! 

Thank you all for your awesome emails that you sent me this week! I love reading about how everyone's weeks went! I have heard from a bunch of people here that this year there are the highest temperatures they have had in the United States for the last 100 years or something haha...is that true? If so, I bet mom is happy! haha sounds good! Weather here is good! It has been extra hot lately with rain in the late afternoon to nightime everyday! Everything has gotten extremely green! It's really funny...our neighbor trimmed a rose bush and put a bunch of the stems in the ground in front of our house. Just like stuck them in there...and they are already growing leaves and stuff! I have heard of people doing that in Utah but you have to like water them and fertilize them and then, MAYBE they will grow...but every single stem she put in has grown! And we didn't water them, we didn't fertilize them, or anything! It really is the "promised land" here! haha all the gringos joke that you can basically take a dry stick and stick it into the ground and you get a tree from it! It is almost true!

But as for the daily life, it is all good here! We had a multizone conference this week! (I sent a picture of our zone) and it was good! We learned how to teach the lessons more simply and not take 2 hours to explain what really should only take 45 minutes. It was good! I learned that I talk way too much and explain with way too many words! I need to explain using simple words and phrases that get the point across easily :) We have been working a lot this week with the Familia Lino and they finally came to church! (That is the family with the two little kids) Well, actually they didn't both come to church, just him, but it is a really good start! It has been a bit of a fight to get him there but he loved it! He has been wanting to go for a really long time but there have been a lot of problems with him getting there! But he did finally come! Yay!!! We also had Karen, the 14 year old girl, come to church! She has been 9 times now, but she can't get baptized because her dad is a little stubborn and says we should baptize exclusively in the name of "CHRIST" and not in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Butwe are working with them! It's great! We are also working with the Familia Cañas. I've talked about them before but I have called them the Familia Medinas. We found out that only one of them is named Medina and the rest are Cañas so I will be calling them that from now on :) But they weren't able to go to church again this last week! We are working with them though!!!

Other than that, we are looking for new people always and having lots of fun! This will be my companion's last week and we have a lot of goals that he wants to do for his last week! It will be a great week though! We'll work hard! I love you all! I am happy and well here, just goin' along! I hope that everyone has a productive, happy summer! Go swimming lots for me haha I definitely miss that on hot, sweaty days! Have fun! Love you all!!


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