Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 60 (07/17/2012) - Teaching families and building the gospel

Here are 3 pictures, too! The first is of a member family we taught last night! They live WAY up on top of a hill! I got there completely drenched in sweat! haha then there is a picture of me in front of some really, really tall grass haha and another one with the Familia Lino that we are teaching!

Hola Familia!

Hey! How is everyone doing today?? I hope that everyone is happy and well! All is good here! We had a pretty good week of work! Did a lot of good lessons and stuff! We have been working through something called the SIMI. I don't know what it is called in English but it is a list of ALL members active or not active that were baptized in the ward! It's a big job because there are about 200 people active in our ward but there is about 800 people on the list! So we are working through that! 

So, I've learned about a lot of things this week! Me and my companion have really focused on getting our studying in! Sometimes we have appointments or something and we don't get to do all of our studying, but this week, we have been working hard to be able to do it! I have been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon (I've almost finished it!) and then I have been reading as well in Isaiah in the Bible! I have an institute guide that has been helping me understand it all! IT'S REALLY INTERESTING! I have been learning a lot about the gathering of israel and everything! In 3 Nefi, Jesus tells us that "ye ought to search these things. Yeah, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently, for great are the words of Isaiah." Jesus commands us to read it! There was also a quote I read by Bruce R. McConkie that said something like "My salvation may just depend on my understanding of Isaiah" So... I figured I should start studying it! haha it's really good! Really interesting stuff! Keep studying the scriptures and keep working hard! I love you all! 

So apart from that this week has been pretty calm. We have been working a normal week of work and just going with the flow! I really love it here! It's really hard sometimes not going to lie, but it doesn't matter! I was thinking the other day about how when I first got here, I sometimes thought about what it would be like to just go home (I never actually wanted to leave), but now I was thinking about how I've changed. I was thinking about some of the difficutlies here and then I thought, but I would never want to go home early, it's TOO important to be here! I read a scripture I really liked that was in Mormon 8: 20-24. There is a part in there that says, "for the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled." It made me think...hmm...I get down sometimes because I feel like no one is accepting us or people don't fulfill their commitments but then I thought, it doesn't matter! I just need to be happy and keep on going because NOTHING can stop the eternal purposes of the Lord! It really stood out to me! I am happy here! It's hard but I am learning that it is absolutely worthless to be down for even one minute! We need to be happy always! The eternal purposes of the Lord will be fulfilled! And we are part of his plan! It was really good to read that!

I love you all! I hope you don't think that I ramble sometimes haha! but I am learning a lot here!

Love you all so much!! Stay safe, happy, and well!


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