Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 58 (07/02/2012) - Rainy weather and good families!

Hey Family! 

How are you all doing?!!!!

Thanks for all the awesome emails that you've all sent me! I love getting a lot of letters and news! It doesn't matter if you all think it is boring, it is always really exciting to me! Thanks! But it sounds like you are all doing well! Working hard, and having a lot of fun! I keep forgeting it's summer there! I don't know why, but when I think of Utah, I always turn to memories of snow and skiing haha I forget that it gets warm! haha

Thanks for all the pictures, Dad! I loved seeing the fountain and the arber! The house is looking really pretty! I can't wait to come back and help out in the yard and stuff! I'm not going to lie, I miss mowing the lawn! It will be something I'm sure I won't be missing after a few weeks though haha! 

Anyway, it's all going well here! The weather is nice! It has been raining a bit! Yesterday it rained so hard that our little sidewalk leading to our house had about a 2-inch river flowing down it! haha But it was sweet! Other than that, it has been pretty good!

This last weekend, we had a stake conference. The temple president and his wife, and President Glazier (my mission president) and his wife spoke! It was really cool because they talked about missionary work and got a lot of excitement going! The temple president talked about marriage as well! He said that he has been married over 51 years! He was talking about ho, even now after so much time, he is learning a lot about marriage! I love seeing people that work in the temple! They are always so happy and calm! They always have a smile on as well! It is one of the coolest works that there is on earth! I can't wait to go to the temple a lot more when I get back!

So, as for the families that we are teaching, the Familia Lino and the Familia Medina are awesome! They are both reading the Book of Mormon and learning a lot! They haven't been able to go to church yet, but they say that this week they will both go! (I talk like the two families are connected, but they don't even know each other haha) But anyway, it is really great teaching them! I love to finally teach someone who is excited to learn and be taught! They actually read and pray! WOOOO!! haha 

Well, other than that, that's about it! I love you all! I miss you all as well, but that's ok! It is really good being here! I love to work and teach! If there is ever anything I can do for any of you just let me know! I'm always here to help! I love you all!!! Stay safe! Keep writing! haha I love you!!!


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