Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 59 (07/09/2012) - Cool teachings and two special families

P.S. So, I also attached 3 pictures! One of a little girl that lives in our ward! another of Jose and me the night before he left for the Dominican Republic (on his mission), and then the last one of Rosa Guadaloupe's baptism!! I hope you enjoy them!!

Love you all!!!

Hola Familia!

Como le van?! Espero que todos esten bien!

How is everyone?? I miss you all! How is good old utah!? I love when you all send me pictures of the mountains and stuff - I really miss the mountains! There is just something familiar and cool about the Utah mountains! Here the mountains are extremely beautiful but there's nothing like Utah mountains!! Thanks for always emailing me and keeping in touch! I love your emails!

So this week, some cool things have happened! I've got some good news and some not so good news! So the not so good news is that the Medina family that we have been teaching moved! They moved to another area in our zone though, so they will be close! They had accepted a baptismal date and everything this week and then all of a sudden, they had to move! haha but it's ok! We are going to keep in touch with them still! 

Also this week, the Lino family wasn't able to go to church! They had a bit of a family emergency and couldn't come! But keep praying for them! They are so amazing! I love them and want them to keep learning! We have been talking to them about the Plan of Salvation and they love it! It's great! The dad works for the government, doing paperwork and name registries, and the mom works selling stuff like Avon! Yeah, they sell that stuff here, too! haha But they are just great! Pray for them!

Also, this week we had interview with the President! About every 3 months, we have interviews just to see how we are doing! This time he asked us to share a scripture from our studies that has impacted us lately! I shared a scripture from 3rd Nephi Chapter 12 - the beatitudes! we talked about them for a bit and then he asked if I had any questions...I asked him how do I keep my thought positive and pure. He said that's a good question and he shared with me 1st Nephi Chapter 15 Verses 23 and 24. He talked to me about the fiery darts and temptations. He said that as humans, we will always have the fiery darts and temptations, but it is our job as pure, worthy members of the church, to get rid of those thoughts in an instant! He explained that sometimes, we have a thought enter our mind (an unrighteous thought, a depressing thought, or basically any unhappy thought) and because of our knowledge of the word of God, God won't let us be blindly hit by the thought and we will know that it is a thought not from God! Then, in that instant, WE have the choice to accept the thought or throw it away instantly! I really liked it! Maybe it doesn't make any sense in an email but I hope you can all study about it a bit and learn about it too! It's amazing!

Anyway, other than that, all is good here! I am happy and well! Also, parasite free! (I took another test and they said they were all gone! Woo!!) But happy and well here! Keep going strong up there!! I love
you all!!!!


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