Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 55 (06/11/2012) - Member of 70 and hard work for God!

Hola Familia!
How is everyone doing?? I love you all! What is it like up there in Utah during the summer with air conditioning? I hope that you are all enjoying the heat finally! But that is so awesome that you all went to Moses Lake and had the open house there! I bet it was really cool! I hope that everything went well and that everyone is happy! THAT IS SO CRAZY THAT THE ACTUAL WEDDING IS NEXT WEEK! I can't believe it's already come so fast! Dylan, what did you think when you were on your mission? Like this day is never going to come?? Haha but then all of a sudden, it's here! Crazy anyway! Good luck with the open house this weekend! I hope all is pretty and clean! SEND ME PICTURES PLEASE?????? Haha
Anyway, sounds like all is going well up there! I hope that everyone is happy and well! I am doing good here! Lots of companion changes and interviews for baptisms and stuff so we are working hard here!! This has been a busy and crazy week all at the same time! Elder Coy only has a week and a half left of his mission and not going to lie, I will be sad to see him leave but happy at the same time! haha Hes' an awesome companion and I learn so much of him!Bbut it is a bit hard to be with someone going home so soon! It's not that it makes me homesick or anything, on the contrary, it makes me want to work harder here! It's all for our experience though, as the scriptures say! There are so many learning experiences in life and I don't want to miss one of them!

Bueno, so this week, we have the meeting with the member of the 70! WOOO haha its Elder Maines, the new member of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy! It will be really cool! I can't wait to take notes and learn lots! So also, today, we had a special P-day with the President! As Zone Leaders, he took us all up to the top of the San Salvador volcano! It was coool! But the best part was that we had a little 10 minute devotional up there! It was really spiritual! He talked about how God created all these things for us! Then he talked to us about how God is very loving and gave us all this and we have to give back to him.  It was an "eye opener" when he told us that as pleased as God is that we are here and are working hard, that he can be more pleased. I realize that he wasn't just talking about missionary work, but about life.  As hard as we try, there is always a better path. We are never perfect and we must continually be better in order to please God to our utmost ability! I want to be better and to be more like him! After all, that is why we're here right?? Anyway, just that that it was interesting what he said!

But cool! I love you all! I hope that everyone has a wonderful week! Good luck Kortnee and Dylan! Happy Birthday Lizzie!  I love you all!!

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