Monday, June 18, 2012

Week 56 (06/18/2012) - Happy 13 months, Elder Woodfield!

Elder Woodfield has been serving for 13 months today!

Here are some fun pictures from some special activities they had with the Mission President and all the Zone Leaders.

Hiking to the top of the San Salvador Volcano.

Enjoying some Wendy's!

Hey Family! 

I love you all!!
Wow the week has finally come! Kortnee gets married! WOW! haha thanks for all the pictures that everyone sent! It looked like it was a lot of fun! I'm glad I could be there in the form of cardboard! haha but Kortnee looked beautiful, Dylan muy guapo with your new suit and all that stuff! Looked really fun! All those flowers looked great, too, and it just looked cool!
I hope that this week is just as cool down in Saint Goerge! (Cool as in awesome, because it definately won't be cold! haha) but it will be sweet! The St. George temple is really pretty! I love it down there! I wish you (Kortnee and Dylan), the best of luck. I hope that all goes really well for you both! I love you!
Crazy how fast things change! I was looking at the pictures and Anslee is really big with so much hair! Britny is pregnant again (something I already knew, but the pictures were still a bit of a suprise! haha) But you all look really good and happy! 

Well, my week here has been really good as well! We have been working really hard during Elder Coy's last week! This morning, he went to have his last interview with the President and it went well! But this last week went really well! We found a new family that we taught once! They are really good and have a lot of weird, crazy ideas haha but they are good! Their names are Pedro and Margarita! We also found a 20 year old girl that is really interested! We're going to teach her family this week as well, but when we taught her this last week we taught the Book of Mormon and it was great! She was REALLY interested and really wanted to know more! It was really good to teach somone with a desire to learn! We know that she has a true desire to learn because, without us knowing, she went to church yesterday to another ward with a friend - so she is really interested! I'm excited to continue teaching her!
Other than that, we have been working really hard and talking to A LOT of people! Elder Coy may be ready to go to home but he knows how to talk to people! We stop people in the streets, we knock doors, we talk to people on the bus! It's really cool to do that! It's definately outside of my comfort zone, but we find a lot of really good people that way!
That's it! I just want to let you all know that I love you so much! I hope that you are all happy and know that I'm thinking about you!!

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