Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 41 (03/05/12) - Moved to San Marcos!

Hello family!! 

How are you all doing?? I love you all!!

So, it's been a really fun week this week! We have been working hard to prepare the Chicas family! They are so ready for their baptismal date next weekend!! They are so amazing!! But something really sad!! haha last night, we had an awesome lesson with them! We taught them a lot and helped them have answers to their questions! But after the lesson, Elder Garcia and I came home to a missed call from the Mission President! The mission president called to ask me if I could do emergency changes! Emergency changes are changes when there are problems in the mission. Usually, 2 or more companionships that are in different zones change to try and help solve the problem. Well all was going really well with me and Elder Garcia but there were problems in the new zone I'm in now! I was moved to a place called San Marcos - it's part of the city of San Salvador! It's really sad though because I don't know if I will be able to go to the Chicas family's baptism!! I am sure I will get a picture though :) But yeah! I have only been in San Marcos since this morning but it is beautiful up here! Very green and mountainous! It's kind of in a valley off to the side of San Salvador. Also, I am now a Zone leader here for the San Salvador zone! This means I will be helping with about 16 misionaries here (18, including us) but it's going to be great! An awesome opportunity to serve!! It will definately be very different outside of Lourdes though!!! That place was like my home!! I love everyone there so much!! I can't wait to go back someday! I didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone as they called last night and I had to leave this morning!! But all is well! I'll be good here and make lots of new friends! I can't wait to get to know the new investigators and everyone!!

Apart from that whole dealio, all is tranquilo here in El Salvador! I will keep you in touch with what I hear about the people from Lourdes and the new people from here!!! 

I hear that Kortnee has a set date for the 20th?? That's freaking sweet!! Awesome Kortnee!! I'm praying that everything will go smoothly for you and that you and Dylan will be really happy together!!  And Saint George, eh?? Sweet!! It's going to be nice and hot down there, right?? haha but cool! Make sure you take a nice dip in the pool for me family!! 

Other than that, all sounds to be about the same!! Keep working hard! Stay strong! Pray always and read your scriptures always, right?? Love you all!!!!!


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