Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 42 (03/12/12) - Familia CHICAS Baptism and prayers!

The Familia Chicas' baptism on Saturday, March 10 - can you see how excited they are! I just love this photo!!!
Hey everyone! 

How are you doing this fine week?!

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITNY!! I hope that all is well over there and that you enjoy your birthday a lot!!! I love you!! Tell Luke and Anslee hi, as well!!! Send me some pictures if you get some, k? Miss you all!! 

I'm stoked that Kortnee has set a date! And in Saint George! Just like you've always wanted! Cool cool!! Keep me up-to-date on all of that! Sounds like it's going to be sweet!!!

So I realized that last week I didn't give many details as to what was happening
here! I told you that I was moved to San Marcos here in San Salvador, and that I was made Zone Leader here, right?? Well, I am here with an Elder named Elder Paulsen. He is from Sandy, Utah! He is a gringo and he's awesome!! His first name is John, so maybe you can look him up on Facebook, eh? Anyway, he's way cool! Way nice and has taught me a lot!! He is A LOT like me. We have the same jokes and everything. We mess around a lot, but still work real hard, no worries!! He will be my trainer as a Zone Leader and it will be really cool! He knows the scriptures really well and helps me a lot! He also has 20 months in his mission so his Spanish is really good as well!! I don't have my camera with me right now, so I won't be able to send a picture until next week! I think I will be able to send a picture of the Chicas' baptism though - I have it saved on my email!!

As for this last week! We have been working hard to find new people to teach! When I got here, there wasnt much...but with a lot of prayer, we've found several good people! We still have a long way to go though before we find more positive people to teach! But, the highlight of my week was the Familia Chicas' baptism!!! I asked special permision from the President to go to it! He gave me permission and it was sweet! In the 9 months that president has been here, he's never given permission to a missionary to return to an old area to watch a baptism! He gave me permission, probably because I asked him like 3 times and he saw how much I really cared about them haha! Anyway, we traveled about an hour and a half to get back to Lourdes and I was able to be there for the baptism!! I was also able to baptize the mom!! WOOOOO!!! It was so cool! As I walked into the church, Carlos, their son ran up to me to shake my hand and then the dad, Raul, came up to me and gave me a hug! I love that family!! I then got to play with the little girl, Joselyn, and talk to the mom! They were so happy that I could be there! But not as happy as I was that I could be there to see them! It was so cool though! After the baptism, the mom came to me and was a little sad and said hopefully we see you again! But then the dad said, "don't worry! He'll be there at the sealing in a year!" AH!! So exciting! I can't wait to see it happen! Pray for them so that they can keep progressing!!

Other than that, it was a nice, normal week here in San Marcos!! OH! Yesterday was election's day and president told us it might be too dangerous to go outside for possible riots and such, but really there wasn't much problem. Anyway, we were stuck in the house all afternoon! We just studied and had some fun. The best part was when we went up on our roof (we have a door thats leads out to the roof)! We just laid on our matresses haha - we played monopoly cards and just hung out! Definitely something out of the ordinary!!

Anyway! I love you all! Pray for me in my new area so we can find new people to teach! I love you all! Stay close! Stay happy! Work hard! Read your scriptures! Go to church! haha (I remind myself of Mom! haha I love you Mom!!)


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