Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 34 (01/16/12) - Another busy week in Lourdes!

Monday, January 16, 2012
Hey family!!!

How are you all doing this week???!!!
Anything new going on beside the wedding??????? Don't forget my cardboard cutout! now you actually have a picture of me completely and you dont have to use Mitt Romney's body! haha anyway, I hope all is going well with the plans! I want pictures when it goes through!!! I also like Analise's  and Melissa's idea about the reception...You should do one color and then have the other color be the color of my ski suit to remind you all of me!!??!?!?! haha just kidding but I hope all is going well!! I love you all!!!
So, this week we have been doing a lot of work with a lot of good people! We are working with a less active family to be able to re-activate them. They have a son that isn't baptized! So we have made a baptismal date with him on the 28th of this month! His name is Carlos! They live, like seriously, a 5 mile hike into the mountains!!! It's so crazy!! But it is really fun to get up there and teach them!
Also, we have a baptismal date with a girl that is 16 years old and is one of our member's best friends! We made the same date of the 28th of January for her! Her name is Stefany and she is really good! She is really quiet and reserved until you start asking questions about her life and everything and she is really fun once you get her talking haha but it's fun because she has been coming to young womens and church too!!!
We are still working with the families I mentioned last week (Jolman, Jorge, and Alex's families) but families always take more time than single people so we are working hard with them!!!  But all is really good! They are progressing and going to church and everything so it's all good :)
Also, the highlight of this week was that our stake had conference with an Apostle!! In Utah, we are very blessed to have apostles come like once every 2 or 3 years. Here, an apostle visits stakes about every 9 to 10 years! It was really cool and really special!!! Elder Nelson came and visited us this week! It was really cool and we got to go to a church with air conditioning!! Cool, huh??  But we learned a lot of things! Elder Nelson talked just about every topic of the gospel! Apparently the stake needed to learn a lot! haha but I learned a lot about scripture study especially!

Elder Nelson's wife gave us a challenge and I wanted to give it to you all as well! The challenge is that every single day for 30 days, you go to the scriptures with a question. Before you read, you pray and specifically ask with faith in God to answer your question while you are studying, then you begin to read! She said that you can literally ask any question and if you have faith, God will answer it! She said that one couple came to her and told her what they had recieved from the challenge. They had a financial problem for more than 10 years and within the 30 days, they found the answer and it has really blessed their family! Really, any question can be answered!!! It's so cool!!! Another part was when you recieve the answer, or have part of it, you need to write it down to be able to learn and remember the answer! Anyway, it was really, really good to be there and hear everything! I really want to take the challenge! I have already started and I have learned a lot!!!

Also, this Friday, we have a special conference with Elder Nelson just as missionaries! I hope to learn a lot - I will share it all with you!!!

Anyway, I love you all so much! I hope that all is well and that you are all happy! Remember to continue to have faith and never give up! re read the conference talks from this last october and keep reading your scriptures! I love you all so much!!!! stay close! and keep working hard!! let me know if I can do anything for you all!!!

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