Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 37 (02/06/12) - Carlos' baptism and lots of family news!

Hello family!!! How are you all!!!  

Hey, first off, I wanted to appoligize for writing so late today! We played soccer this morning and I had to get a hair cut and it took a really long time!! :( I am not such a fan of hair cuts here! They shave every single corner of your hair so it is perfectly even haha just weird!!! I heard the news about Britny! That is so good that she is going to have another baby! That's so cool!!! That just means that I will be the best uncle of two nieces (or niece and nephew!) when I get home! That is to say if Kortnee doesn't get married and have a baby by the time I get home! hehehehe by the way Kortnee, I think that May 18th would be a good day to get married, my one year mark! Also, Lizzie will be home from Africa right??? hehe a hint (and a reminder), I still want a cardboard cutout! At least have a luncheon or somethin??? hehe Also, question, where did you go about getting a cardboard cutout of Mitt Romney in the first place to put my head on it?? But cool! All is good! I am also glad to hear about Dad's new smile! That is crazy that Kalee just randomly entered him in and that he won!!! I am so excited for him! That's sweet! I am stoked!!! I want a picture!!!

As for this week, we had Carlos' baptism! He passed his interview this last week and was baptized!! His baptism was really spiritual and he is seriously so excited!! He has such a happy loving light about him, especially after his baptism!! So, what a cool week!!!! Baby anouncments, teeth and baptisms!!! yay!!!

Other than that, it has been a pretty normal week here!!! We did have a really cool mission activity this week where we had 20 people go knock on all the doors around the church and we got 17 different return visits! That's a lot of people!!!! I am just so glad that I have such a cool opportunity to get to know everyone here!! I can't wait to come back with everyone for you all to meet them! Maybe you won't be able to speak their language exactly but I know that you will all be able to feel their love!! I love it!!!

I love you all! I hope that you are all safe and happy!! Keep on going in life and never give up!!! I really like a scipture in Ezekial (I think that is how it is spelled in English) 11:19. It talks about how when we are baptized, and when we take the sacrament every week, that God can give us a new heart. That he will take away the old heart of stone and give you a new one. I really think this is so cool! Really, in life, we can follow the same path over and over, we can be sad and depressed or we can recieve the "new heart or way of life" that God has for us.  We should always be looking for the better path, the better way to be in life because if we are sad then, as dad always says, there needs to be a change in our lives. If something is confusing us, we need to change somthing about what we are doing to be more in line with what God wants of us. 

I love you all!!! I hope that all is going well!! Thank you so much for you packages and letters and love!!! I hope that with all the cool stuff going on, you don't forget about me! hehe just kidding! Love you all!!!


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