Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 35 (01/23/12) - a hot shower and lesson blessings!

Look how good he looks!

He is so silly!

Hey Everyone!!!
I love you and I miss you all!! 

So anything exciting this week?? I read a bit of your emails but it seems like all is pretty normal, eh?? Lizzie left though!! That's crazy! I hope that she doen't get eaten by any lions or anything in Africa haha! (P.S. I know that there probably isn't very many lions where she is...there more in the East, right?? Maybe I don't even know! haha nevermind!) Anyway, send her my love when she calls!)  Anyway, seems like all is well with you all!!
All is normal here! Nice and warm as always! About 90 degrees today! We played soccer this morning and played a game of monopoly cards as well!!  

Hmmmmm...we had 8 people at church yesterday! That was a miracle!! We have been working with 4 people a lot and saturday night, three of those people said that they couldn't come to church for one or another reason and so, Saturday night at about 8:10 (less than an hour before we had to be in our house) I was all worries like "oh no...noone is going to come to church!!" But then, as a last appointment, we went to contact a reference that a member had for us! We walked up to the door with the member, and a little boy about 10 years old answers the door. Then his mom came up behind him to see who was there. It was so cool! The second I introduced myself to the mom, I had a thought enter my mind..."this family is going to be baptized." They were just so so nice! So open to us and loved everything we said!! When we went in, we sat down and the dad came in the room. He introduced himself and was really polite and nice! When I introduced myself to the dad, the same thought came into my mind! They will be baptized! There was just such a strong spirit in the room!!! Their names are Raul (about 35 years old), Rebeka (34), Carlos (10), and Joselyn (6).  They are so so so polite, nice, and receptive! It makes it so worth it to have such a hard day and then think..."just one more appointment, it will all be worth it!" And it was!!! So, we had that whole family at church and then we had a lot of members help to get other investigators to church!! It was so cool!!! It was such a miracle!!!  
Anyway, also this week, I have only been in my area about 2 full days! My companion and I were in San Salvador all day tuesday because he was having his orientation! And it was like all day...I was just hanging out in air conditioning!! I got a mock cafe rio salad even!! Then, I slept in an air conditioned room in the president's house! (the orientation went late) and I woke up to a HOT SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant tell you how AMAZINGLY LUCKY YOU ARE ALL THAT YOU HAVE ONE EVERY DAY!!! haha except Lizzie...she knows how lucky she is because she went without one for 4 months and probably doesn't have one again! haha anyway, it was amazing!!! Then, we came back to our area, I changed, and went on divisions (my first as a District leader) and got to know another area! It was really pretty! It was out in the country and there was a lot of cows and chickens! They say that out there in "Joyas de Ceren," there are more cows than people! Then, after that day, I came back to my area for Thursday afternoon and then Friday we had a devotional with the Elder Rivas! He is a member of the 70 and gave good testimonies and had a quesiton and answer thing too! Elder Nelson was in Guatamala and couldn't come! Kind of a bummer but it's ok! I think his plane came late or something...but it was still very spiritual!! Being away from our area almost all week long, we hadn't had many lessons all week! But God blessed us and on Saturday and Sunday, we had a total of 13 lessons!! It was really cool and they all went really well!! I am really excited because I can basically talk and read without ever having to repeat myself! Not going to lie, I love it! haha and I understand about 98 percent of what people say and about 95 percent of the words...its fun haha they have so many weird words and slang here!!
Another thing - we are planning to have one baptism this next weekend! Carlos, the 12 year old, is planning to be baptized...so everyone pray for him!! I love you all and I hope that all is going well with that wonderful and fun and white snow!! I LOVED my fake snow packet that Kortnee sent me! I loved my package by the way! I got 2 this last week! I got the one from Lizzie's mom. It had some delicious starburst and santa hats in it! I loved them! Let her know how grateful I am for it! I will also be writing her a letter this week to thank her but its not bad to do it twice!! As for mom's package, I loved it! The kids were like swarming me at church to get the bracelets and rings! I gave a CTR ring to each of the kids we are teaching! I love it! Also, I am still eating delicious candy that is all in English! It's awesome! And then, as I said, the snow making kit! Freakin' sweet!! I showed it to my neighbors and they absolutely loved it! And everyone in my zone is jealous of my new belt :) :) I love it all nonetheless! Thank you all so so much!!!!
Anyway! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you all!! I love you!!
Stay close!

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