Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 36 (01/30/12) - Mango season!!!

Hey Family!!!
How are you all doing today?? Hope that the weather isn't too cold up there in Utah!!! Lizzie tells me that the weather in Africa is about like it is here in El Salvador!! hehe And guess what everyone?! This is the mango season here in El Salvador!! They eat mangos in every stage...from the time that they start to grow, to the time that they are really big and ripe! When they are small, they are green and slightly sour but they eat them with salt and jalapaño and they taste soooo good!!! I can't wait for the sweet ones though!!! They are sweet in like March so I'm stoked for March!!!
I am glad to get all your emails this week and hear that everyone is doing well!! Lizzie in Africa safe, Mom and Dad normal and good! Derek - straight A's and all! Kortnee still... being married and just everyone happy!! Well cool!
So this last weekend, we should have had a baptism but it didn't happen! Carlos drank coffee after we challenged him not to and so we have to wait a bit! He has changed so much! I love it!! We are still working with him but I think that he will be ready for this weekend!! All is good though!!!
This last weekend we had a multi-zone conference and it was great!! We learned a lot about the gospel of Jesus Christ and applying it to our lives! It was a really spiritual experience! We didn't talk about missionary work much but about our own personal conversion! We talked about people from the Book of Mormon who have personally recieved a conversion - like the Lamanites in 3 Nephi 6 and Captain Moroni. We talked about how we can become strengthened! It was great! I loved it! It helped me to realize and change a lot of things about my life! I love my mission! It is so great and helps me change so much! Maybe being at home and living a normal life doesn't allow the same amount of time but never forget to keep working on your testimony, never forget to read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon, and say your prayers. I have had so many cool experiences this last week with prayer! At times, I feel like my prayers lost meaning, but when you really pray with your heart, you can have so much guidence in your life!!
Oh! I built a fence this week! Cool, eh? We had to dig the holes for the fence post with a metal rod that had a flat end... let's just say it took about 5 hours to dig 6 1-foot deep holes....who would have thought that you could take a post digger for granted, eh?? haha
Oh! I also got Lizzie's package this week! I have loved all of your packages so much!!! Thank you so much for all that you have sent me and done for me and the people here!! Mom, the young women in the ward loved the pencils! Everyone loves the smarties and everything that everyone sent!! I love it all!! I hope that you all liked my package!! 
Other than that, this week was pretty normal! Lots of missionary work and good stuff!! I will send some pictures next week because we are in a cyber that's a bit iffy, sound good??
LOVE you all!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 35 (01/23/12) - a hot shower and lesson blessings!

Look how good he looks!

He is so silly!

Hey Everyone!!!
I love you and I miss you all!! 

So anything exciting this week?? I read a bit of your emails but it seems like all is pretty normal, eh?? Lizzie left though!! That's crazy! I hope that she doen't get eaten by any lions or anything in Africa haha! (P.S. I know that there probably isn't very many lions where she is...there more in the East, right?? Maybe I don't even know! haha nevermind!) Anyway, send her my love when she calls!)  Anyway, seems like all is well with you all!!
All is normal here! Nice and warm as always! About 90 degrees today! We played soccer this morning and played a game of monopoly cards as well!!  

Hmmmmm...we had 8 people at church yesterday! That was a miracle!! We have been working with 4 people a lot and saturday night, three of those people said that they couldn't come to church for one or another reason and so, Saturday night at about 8:10 (less than an hour before we had to be in our house) I was all worries like "oh no...noone is going to come to church!!" But then, as a last appointment, we went to contact a reference that a member had for us! We walked up to the door with the member, and a little boy about 10 years old answers the door. Then his mom came up behind him to see who was there. It was so cool! The second I introduced myself to the mom, I had a thought enter my mind..."this family is going to be baptized." They were just so so nice! So open to us and loved everything we said!! When we went in, we sat down and the dad came in the room. He introduced himself and was really polite and nice! When I introduced myself to the dad, the same thought came into my mind! They will be baptized! There was just such a strong spirit in the room!!! Their names are Raul (about 35 years old), Rebeka (34), Carlos (10), and Joselyn (6).  They are so so so polite, nice, and receptive! It makes it so worth it to have such a hard day and then think..."just one more appointment, it will all be worth it!" And it was!!! So, we had that whole family at church and then we had a lot of members help to get other investigators to church!! It was so cool!!! It was such a miracle!!!  
Anyway, also this week, I have only been in my area about 2 full days! My companion and I were in San Salvador all day tuesday because he was having his orientation! And it was like all day...I was just hanging out in air conditioning!! I got a mock cafe rio salad even!! Then, I slept in an air conditioned room in the president's house! (the orientation went late) and I woke up to a HOT SHOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant tell you how AMAZINGLY LUCKY YOU ARE ALL THAT YOU HAVE ONE EVERY DAY!!! haha except Lizzie...she knows how lucky she is because she went without one for 4 months and probably doesn't have one again! haha anyway, it was amazing!!! Then, we came back to our area, I changed, and went on divisions (my first as a District leader) and got to know another area! It was really pretty! It was out in the country and there was a lot of cows and chickens! They say that out there in "Joyas de Ceren," there are more cows than people! Then, after that day, I came back to my area for Thursday afternoon and then Friday we had a devotional with the Elder Rivas! He is a member of the 70 and gave good testimonies and had a quesiton and answer thing too! Elder Nelson was in Guatamala and couldn't come! Kind of a bummer but it's ok! I think his plane came late or something...but it was still very spiritual!! Being away from our area almost all week long, we hadn't had many lessons all week! But God blessed us and on Saturday and Sunday, we had a total of 13 lessons!! It was really cool and they all went really well!! I am really excited because I can basically talk and read without ever having to repeat myself! Not going to lie, I love it! haha and I understand about 98 percent of what people say and about 95 percent of the words...its fun haha they have so many weird words and slang here!!
Another thing - we are planning to have one baptism this next weekend! Carlos, the 12 year old, is planning to be everyone pray for him!! I love you all and I hope that all is going well with that wonderful and fun and white snow!! I LOVED my fake snow packet that Kortnee sent me! I loved my package by the way! I got 2 this last week! I got the one from Lizzie's mom. It had some delicious starburst and santa hats in it! I loved them! Let her know how grateful I am for it! I will also be writing her a letter this week to thank her but its not bad to do it twice!! As for mom's package, I loved it! The kids were like swarming me at church to get the bracelets and rings! I gave a CTR ring to each of the kids we are teaching! I love it! Also, I am still eating delicious candy that is all in English! It's awesome! And then, as I said, the snow making kit! Freakin' sweet!! I showed it to my neighbors and they absolutely loved it! And everyone in my zone is jealous of my new belt :) :) I love it all nonetheless! Thank you all so so much!!!!
Anyway! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you all!! I love you!!
Stay close!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 34 (01/16/12) - Another busy week in Lourdes!

Monday, January 16, 2012
Hey family!!!

How are you all doing this week???!!!
Anything new going on beside the wedding??????? Don't forget my cardboard cutout! now you actually have a picture of me completely and you dont have to use Mitt Romney's body! haha anyway, I hope all is going well with the plans! I want pictures when it goes through!!! I also like Analise's  and Melissa's idea about the reception...You should do one color and then have the other color be the color of my ski suit to remind you all of me!!??!?!?! haha just kidding but I hope all is going well!! I love you all!!!
So, this week we have been doing a lot of work with a lot of good people! We are working with a less active family to be able to re-activate them. They have a son that isn't baptized! So we have made a baptismal date with him on the 28th of this month! His name is Carlos! They live, like seriously, a 5 mile hike into the mountains!!! It's so crazy!! But it is really fun to get up there and teach them!
Also, we have a baptismal date with a girl that is 16 years old and is one of our member's best friends! We made the same date of the 28th of January for her! Her name is Stefany and she is really good! She is really quiet and reserved until you start asking questions about her life and everything and she is really fun once you get her talking haha but it's fun because she has been coming to young womens and church too!!!
We are still working with the families I mentioned last week (Jolman, Jorge, and Alex's families) but families always take more time than single people so we are working hard with them!!!  But all is really good! They are progressing and going to church and everything so it's all good :)
Also, the highlight of this week was that our stake had conference with an Apostle!! In Utah, we are very blessed to have apostles come like once every 2 or 3 years. Here, an apostle visits stakes about every 9 to 10 years! It was really cool and really special!!! Elder Nelson came and visited us this week! It was really cool and we got to go to a church with air conditioning!! Cool, huh??  But we learned a lot of things! Elder Nelson talked just about every topic of the gospel! Apparently the stake needed to learn a lot! haha but I learned a lot about scripture study especially!

Elder Nelson's wife gave us a challenge and I wanted to give it to you all as well! The challenge is that every single day for 30 days, you go to the scriptures with a question. Before you read, you pray and specifically ask with faith in God to answer your question while you are studying, then you begin to read! She said that you can literally ask any question and if you have faith, God will answer it! She said that one couple came to her and told her what they had recieved from the challenge. They had a financial problem for more than 10 years and within the 30 days, they found the answer and it has really blessed their family! Really, any question can be answered!!! It's so cool!!! Another part was when you recieve the answer, or have part of it, you need to write it down to be able to learn and remember the answer! Anyway, it was really, really good to be there and hear everything! I really want to take the challenge! I have already started and I have learned a lot!!!

Also, this Friday, we have a special conference with Elder Nelson just as missionaries! I hope to learn a lot - I will share it all with you!!!

Anyway, I love you all so much! I hope that all is well and that you are all happy! Remember to continue to have faith and never give up! re read the conference talks from this last october and keep reading your scriptures! I love you all so much!!!! stay close! and keep working hard!! let me know if I can do anything for you all!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 33 (01/09/12) - DISTRICT LEADER, New Companion, and lots of investigators!

What a great week for Elder Woodfield with some fun new pictures!
Braden with his new companion, Elder Garcia.
This picture is Braden...not sure why he is making that face! He doesn't know either.

Their neighbors that do a lot for the missionaries!

Braden with Josue and another girl from the ward, Stefani. 

Monday, January 9, 2011
Hello familia!!! Hey family!

Lots has happened in this last week!!! I hear that you finally have some good news as well! KORTNEE IS LEAVING!! Oh.. I mean she's getting married! haha that is so cool!!! CONGRATS KORTNEE AND DYLAN!!!  I love you both and give you my blessing...if that means anything. But just so you know, as long as you make my cutout, I am good if you do the wedding before I get home deal?? haha CONGRATS AGAIN!!! LOVE YOU!!!!
Other than that, which totally made my week, lots has happened here!!! I got my new companion this week! His name is Elder Garcia and he is awesome!!! This last Tuesday was Elder Hammond's last day with me. Wednesday morning, we went to San Salvador for the changes. We had a good meeting with all the trainers and then another meeting to announce the changes. When they got to my name, I stood up all stoked for when they announced my companion but..... they said he was still on the plane on his way to El Salvador!!! haha so I was like...ok never mind, you don't get a hug! haha then after the meeting, I hung out for a bit, companionless, and then went with the Assistants to go to the airport to pick him up! It was sweet! The reason he was late was because he is a bilingual! He speaks perfect Spanish and English! and the MTC system said that he only knew they planned to have him there for the full 9 weeks. But he showed them he was fluent and they sent him out as soon as possible! It's sweet! He was born here in El Salvador and then his family moved to the United States when he was 4 (yes Mom, legally haha). He lived about 4 years in New York and then 8 years in Washington DC.Now his family lives in Texas! He is a citizen of the United States and everything! It is so cool!!! It was fun...after we picked him up, we had to do a bit of business with immigration and all that we got to hang out with the assistants for a while! They took us to the only Taco Bell in the country, in a mall that's prohibited to enter unless you have permission, and then we also hung out in the mission office for a while! It was fun! He is really cool! He speaks both languages fluently and helps me a lot with my Spanish. He is also very loving and humble (something I'm not used to haha) and we have learned a lot together in just the first few days! He is ready to learn and to work hard! I will send a picture with the email!
Also, another surprising change...they made me District Leader! It's really fun! As district leader, I help all the missionaries in my District (6 elders, including me) to improve and constantly do better! Also, it is my responsibility to do the baptismal interview for those to be baptized in my District! I also get to put together the district meetings every week. This week, we did some fun activities and was fun!! I love serving and this is just another opportunity to help others! If any of you have tips on how to be a better leader, let me know! I really want to help everyone and do a good job! I am actually a bit scared that I will get all power hungry haha a lot of people do! Any hints on how to not?? haha
Other than that, we found a bunch of really good people to teach this week! We are working with 3 new families that are so cool! 2 families live in the same house (it is the parents and their son and his wife - the parents live with the son) and they are really receptive! They came to church this week and they are really nice and happy! The parents are Jorge and Maria and the son's name is Jolman (j like javiers, J=H) and his wife, Marta. They have 2 kids and are so nice!!!! We also found another family - their names are Maria Elena and Alex! They are Catholic. We are working hard and finding a ton of new positive people to teach! I hope that all end in baptisms! They are so amazing! It's amazing to see how much love the Lord gives you when you are helping His children come unto Christ!
Anyway, I love you all! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you all!! I just want to say thank you for all that you do for me and the people here! I hope you are all seeing the blessings of the Lord in your lives, as I am in mine. I am so grateful for you all!! I love you all! Stay close!
P.S. Congrats again Kortnee and Dylan!!!
P.S.S. I found a giant jar of peanut butter this week in the store :) MMMMMMMMM...who would have thought you could miss peanut butter so much?! Never take peanut butter for granted! haha love you!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 32 (01/02/12) - Elder Woodfield is training again!

Monday, January 2, 2011
Hello my lovely family!
Hola familia! les amo!!

How are you all doing today on this fine, hot, and sunny new year?? Oh yeah...I forgot it was cold there... Sorry for rubbing it in your face, Kalee!! Love ya! hehehe
So! Lots of news this week! Are you all ready?? I am going to be training again and I will still be in my area!! Woo!!! haha cool, eh? The president called me again to be trainer! I am really excited for another opportunity to train and to keep working in this area!! It was such a surprise! It is kind of funny though, all last week I was telling people that I was going, and that they needed to write my little remembrance letters. I was taking pictures with everyone thinking I wasn't going to be here after this next week and then, Friday night, President called and said I was going to be training in my same area! CRAZY! So anyway, this Wednesday I will go to San Salvador to get my new companion!! I will make sure and include some pictures in my next week's email!
Other than that, we had an awesome new years!!! We went to the bishop's house and had a Salvadoranian feast of Turkey, Chicken, Salad, and Rice! It was really good! Then, we just visited people and stuff! Way fun! Other than that, we got home and they were setting off all their fireworks like on Christmas...except this time, Elder Hammond and I got smart! This last week, we went and bought ear plugs! haha So we slept really, really well!!! I woke up for about 20 minutes right at midnight and it was soooooooooooooo loud! But, with the earplugs, it was good! I really wanted to stay up late and celebrate but I just couldn't! I was so tired!!! haha but anyway, I slept really well!!
Something pretty sweet...yesterday, we went on a hike! Not really though...haha a member wanted us to meet her non-member cousins and let's just say... they live far away!! haha it was way up in the mountains and we hiked/walked for a full hour on a dirt road up into the mountains of El Salvador! It was way sweet though! It was really, really pretty and their family was really nice! The one cousin has been going to church for a couple Sundays and we are starting to teach the familly now! I hope all goes well!
Also, this week we helped a family move home and let's just say... totally nasty!! haha Salvadoranions don't like to deep clean!! haha it's funny!!
Other than that, that's about all I've done this week!!! It's way sweet and I'm really excited to train!! I love you all so so much!! Stay strong and remember the GPS (go to Church, say your Prayers and read your Scriptures!) haha I love you all!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you all!!
I love you!!!