Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 15 (09/05/11) - Baptisms and the spirit!!!


LOCO semana!!! Woo! So, lots to tell! You remember those investigators I told you about last week? Anna Maria, Jose, Jhonny, Erasmo, and his brother, Alejandro (last week I forgot his name!)??? Well they are all going to be baptized this month!!! Crazy huh!?! I am so so so so excited! They have all been so so positive and receptive of the church and the gospel!! We have 5 total for this month and we are working with 3 other investigators: Karla, and Gilberto and his wife/partner that I think I also told you about?? We are working to get them baptized soon too! I know Karla will be baptized - she is really positive! But Gilberto and his wife/partner just need to be married! (Its funny, it isn’t a big deal in this country to be married! It costs about 20 bucks to go to a lawyer and sign papers! haha) But anyway! I am excited! All of them are so amazing!

Just a little bit about each! Erasmo and his brother live in poverty. Their house has a dirt floor with bamboo walls and plastic for a roof! But they are so so so humble! They are seriously the most giving and loving people I have ever met! Erasmo is only 13 years old and he loves to read and to learn. He started reading the Book of Mormon before we even asked him to, and he remembers every detail that we teach him! He and his brother will be missionaries! As for Jose, and Anna Maria, I told you last week that Anna Maria’s husband and Jose’s dad committed suicide. At first, they were really sad but you can see the joy that has come into their lives since they have started to repent and prepare to be baptized! As for Jhonny, he is a Believer! We hardly taught him the first lesson and he was so excited about it all! We challenged him to be baptized in our second lesson and he accepted without hesitation! He just has a strong spirit about him and he is preparing to be baptized on the 24th! All of them will be baptized on the 24th except Erasmo and his brother.

But yeah! That is about my week! We have been working hard to help them to get ready for their baptisms! It amazes me how fast they are all learning and accepting! I would probably be a hard investigator haha! But they are all praying and receiving the answers that God has promised them! It’s so awesome to see the conversion process in action! I love it!!

As for other news, there isn’t much! We ran into the drunk that tried to rob from us last week and he apologized! That was kind of funny! uh............... Spanish, Spanish is good! I understand almost all and I can basically respond to everything! I just need to learn more words! But, I can basically speak fluently until I find a word I don’t know then I get thrown off! But that is ok! I am close! Just keep praying for me! I know that is why I am learning it so fast! I know that if I were trying to learn without the spirit, I would still be where I was when I left! I really am not that smart, especially when it comes to language but with the spirit, and the gospel, we can do anything!

To end, I just want to testify that what I am doing here is true! I love the work and it is so rewarding! I love you all! I miss you all! But I know you are all doing well so that helps! (At least last weeks emails said you were doing good! haha I hope it is still true!) I love you all though! Keep emailing me and sending me letters! I love to get them every week! Thanks so much!

Love you all!!!

Elder Woodfield

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