Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 17 (09/19/11) - Lots of rain and baptisms!

Elder Woodfield is doing so well! He is loving the mission field!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Como estan todo? I hope all is going well at home! All is well here! It has been raining lots the past few days! But all is good! We weren’t able to have the baptism this last weekend so we are going to have it this next weekend! We have 4 baptisms for sure and we are trying to help 2 others be ready for baptism this weekend as well! I hope we can! The sooner the people understand the doctrine and are baptized, the better! They need the blessing of the Holy Ghost to continue to progress in the gospel! I love to see the change and the joy that comes into their lives as they learn and make the right choices!

I just wanted to say a few things about this week:

First, we had the craziest rain storm I have ever seen in my entire life!! It was on Friday. We were in the house of a recent convert teaching about the Melchizedek priesthood and then we saw that it was starting to get cloudy. We had to walk to our house to make a phone call, which was a bit far away, so we decided to leave. We were walking in the street when it started to downpour! There is so so so much water in the storms here! Crazy! So we were waiting under a covered walkway on the way to our house for the rain to stop. Then, the wind started to blow! Wind here is rare - it is almost never windy! But especially this windy! The wind was blowing at about 60-70 mph! loco loco. It felt like we were in a hurricane! But it only lasted about 45 minutes so that’s good! Stuff was ripping off roofs and landing in the 4 inches of water on the streets and crazy stuff like that! But no one was hurt and we are all doing great now!!! And the best part is, I was dry after! My rain jacket is seriously the best thing ever!

Other than that, we have just been preparing our investigators! We have taught a lot of lessons and have had several family home evenings with our investigators at member’s homes. We have been doing all that we can in order to help them learn, but also to help them make friends in the church so they will feel comfortable! I feel like we are doing a pretty good job with it! They all seem really happy and ready for their baptisms! I am excited for this next weekend! Make sure everyone prays for them!

Also, guess what everyone?! I have been in El Salvador for 2 months as of yesterday!! 4 months total in the mission!! Crazy, huh? I am close to my 6 month mark! Crazy, huh? Time is flying! I hope that no one misses me too much! I am doing great here! I keep busy so I don’t have much time to think about home but when I do, be sure and know that I miss it! I miss you all! I hope you are all safe and happy!!!

Also, I was at the house of a member yesterday and we were making papusas! Her daughter took a video on her camera and is going to post it on Facebook! She said she will post it on dad’s wall - Dad just needs to accept her friend request! Haha anyway! I have also had a few other members that have added me and stuff - you can see them! There is a little girl that is in a part-member family. We will be baptizing the rest of their family in October. Also, just random other members! I don’t think that any of my investigators have added me or anything but you can talk to Lizzie and get my Facebook password and log in and see if you want!

Anyway! I hope you are all doing great! I love you all so so much! I think that is about all! Oh, wait! Derek did you know that your birthday is on the Independence Day of El Salvador????? It was their 200th year of liberty this last Thursday! Cool, huh!? Happy Birthday and El Salvador Independence Day!!!!!!!!!!!! To tell you the truth, it wasn’t a very exciting day! People had family over and stuff because there wasn’t work or anything but there wasn’t a fair or fireworks or anything! Lame! haha but anyway! Happy Birthday Derek! I hope you like my ties!

I love you all!!

Elder Braden Woodfield

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