Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 18 (09/26/11) - BAPTISMS!!!

Left to right: Back - little Salvadorian boy, Elder Encarnacion, Maria Elida (Alejandro's grandma), Pati (Alejandro's mom), Ana Maria (50 yo, Jose's mom), Jose (20 yo), Erasmo (14 yo), Elder Woodfield (BRADEN!), Alejandro (10 yo)  
Front - currently unknown - Jhonny, Anna Maria's son?
I don't know that all of these are right - we'll make sure!

Monday, September 26, 2011

My dear sweet, sweet family,
I hate your stinkin’ guts.
You are the skum between my toes,
You, make, me vomit.

I hope everyone knows what movie that is from! If not, it is from the Little Rascals! Love that show!

Anyway! Top news of the week! All 6 people were baptized and all 6 were confirmed at church yesterday!!! YAY!!! And we had 2 more unexpected baptisms!

I want to start by talking about a few things leading up to the baptisms.  We have been teaching Erasmo and Alejandro since the end of August. His mom, Pati, and grandma, Maria Elida, would sit in on the lessons usually, but not always. So, we weren’t focusing on them. But last week they became more and more interested so we decided to see if we could have their baptisms the same day as their children and grandkids! We had to do A LOT of teaching this week to help their testimonies with things like the word of wisdom and stuff but they were both ready in time! We were in a family home evening on Wednesday (we planned a special activity especially that day because it was both Alejandro’s and Pati’s birthdays!) so we had a lesson with them and we watched two movies. The first movie was the story of John Tanner, the man that gave everything he had to the church to build the Kirkland temple.  Then, we asked Pati, “Do you want to be baptized?” She said she did but didn’t feel quite ready for this Saturday. We talked to her and told her what kind of an example she could be for her sons if she did go through with it. She had a testimony of all the doctrine -she was just scared! Then, we watched another short movie called “Only a Stone Cutter.” It is the story of John Rowe Moyle who walked 70 kilometers (it’s in Spanish I don’t know in miles – about 44 miles) to work on the temple in Salt Lake and then he would walk back! He did this for 20 years because it was his calling! Then, he had an accident and they had to amputate his leg. After his leg was healed, he made a wooden leg and after he was used to it, he began to walk back and forth from the temple again! His dedication to the church and example to his family was amazing! I loved to watch and see how the whole room got teary eyed and felt the spirit! After the movie, we asked Pati, “Do you want to be an example to your kids? Will you be baptized with them this Saturday?” She said yes without hesitation! I about jumped up for joy! The spirit was so strong in the room!! I loved it! She was and is so ready to be a member of the church! We baptized Pati and her mom, Maria Elida, and her two kids Erasmo and Alejandro, the most sweet and amazing people ever! We also baptized the other family, Jose and his mom Ana Maria! This family is the family that had the dad commit suicide! They all seem so so happy with the gospel in their lives I love it so so much!!!

Anyway, I have pictures but we are in a ciber (computer place) that is a bit sketchy and if I plug in my memory card it might get a virus and erase all the pictures on it! I really don’t want that to happen so I think I will wait until next week! We may be going to another ciber later today but not for sure and if not I will just send them next week! Also, I have a friend in our ward that might be able to post them on the internet. I am trying to set it up with him. If that works, that would be so so convenient!!! haha

Also, I went to a place called Esperanza this week! I had exchanges with our zone leader so he could do the interviews of our baptism candidates! I was there over night with his companion! Let’s just say it was very nice to have be in a different place with a different person for once! We had tacos! Yummy!!! haha It was fun.

Oh! I did my first confirmation of a new member this week! Two actually! I didn’t even know I was going to be doing the confirmation and they called me to do it in sacrament meeting! Apparently my companion planned it and didn’t tell me! It was sweet though! All in Spanish and definitely nerve racking!!! haha I loved it! I got to confirm Jose and Ana Maria! I love them!!!

Anyway! Happy birthday this week, Dad! I hope you have an awesome birthday and conference weekend! Make sure you go to priesthood with Derek! 

Also, I talked to the girl in our ward with the video of the pupusas and she said she was going to post it last night! If she hasn’t she will soon! She is a bit delayed because her boyfriend from the US is here until the 8th of October! haha so I don’t blame her!

Other than that I hope you all are good!!! I love you!!!! Stay close to the Lord in prayer and remember that through him we can do anything and everything!

I love you all!!!


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