Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 16 (09/12/11) - A simple week, and pictures!

Our dear, Elder Woodfield. He looks so good!

The gorgeous El Salvador Temple.

Braden's foot - not sure what happened exactly! He didn't say.

Braden's desk in his apartment.

Braden's companion, Elder Encarnacion, cleaning out their pila (a thing for water storage when they don't have it in the day) 
A picture of pizza they ordered from someone local - Elder Woodfield says it was "so so so good!!"

Elder Woodfield is happy and loving the work! He is thriving!

Here is his weekly email:

Hey All!!!!

How are you all doing this week?!? I hear a deck fell on Dad and Dylan and Kortnee got to watch, eh? How was that, Kortnee? I hear you thought they died! haha anyway! Glad you’re all safe! Would you be surprised if I said that was probably the highlight of my week?? (If there are more exciting things in your emails I haven’t read them yet so don’t think that your other exciting stories aren’t exciting, yeah? haha)

Anyway, this week has been a bit of a boring week! We have been working hard and doing all that we can to prepare our investigators for baptism! The only problem is that all of our appointments have been falling through!! We had 4 days this week where we only had about 6 successful appointments! In a 4 day period of time, we usually have about 20 appointments! Loco loco! But it’s ok! We had a really good day at church yesterday! And we think that we are getting close with another family to be baptized! Familia Estrada - they need to be married before they can be baptized and I think that they are going to do it! We asked them to think about it last night and we will be going back to their house on Wednesday to see what their decision is! It was a cool experience to get to explain the Law of Chastity and why it is so important to the Lord! I love learning about the gospel! It’s awesome!!!! Also, something a little disappointing! The two investigators that were going to be baptized this Saturday, they didn’t come to church yesterday! We may have to postpone their baptism in order for them to have the required times of going to church! It will be the 24th if we need to postpone it though, so not too far in the future! haha They are so ready to be baptized though! That is the hardest part! They are reading what we ask them to, and more! And they are learning really fast! I hope we can still do it this Saturday!!!

Other than that, I am safe and well! I love you all! This week was kind of boring so I am not going to spend too much time writing. I want to send some pictures! I haven’t taken a ton of pictures here, but I want to send some of the older ones! I hope you all like them!!!

I don’t know the exact order of the pictures haha but here we go! I hope I remember them all!

There is a picture of my desk in my apartment, a picture of the temple, a picture of my companion cleaning our pila (a thing for water for when we don’t have it in the day), a picture of a pizza we ordered from a local pizza guy! So so so good! a picture of me! and one more that I cant remember..................................... oh well! I hope it is one that doesn’t need explaining! Love you all!!!

I love you all!!


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