Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 14 (08/29/11) - New Investigators!!! The work shall move on!

Monday, August 29, 2011
Querido Familia,

How are all of you?? I love you! I hope all is well! Thank you for all of your emails and stuff last week! I know I write the same thing every week, but I really do love to hear from all of you! P.S. Derek I got your letter from right after I left! haha funny, huh? I don’t know why I didn’t just get it when I first got here but oh well! I actually got like 5 random dear elders, too! Oh well! Anyway! So crazy, busy, but very successful week we have had! We had divisions where my companion went to another area nearby. For one night, he traded with another companion who came to my area. My comp is the District Leader and he does this to help the other missionaries! But the companion that was in my area is newer to the mission than me! He can speak Spanish because his mom is from Mexico, but we had no clue what we were doing! It was pretty freakin’ sweet though because we decided to knock doors and look for people to teach and we found two people who were positive and wanted to learn more! This is like incredible for the 1 and a half we looked! 2 very positive people are a miracle from god! Yay! But then, the next day my companion returned to our area and we had a contact from the mission office that we contacted, and she was really positive too! Their names are Jhonny (20yo), Anna Maria (50yo), and her son Jose (20yo), and then a lady named Carla! All were really positive and wanted to learn! It is great! We are also teaching another family with a Grandma Maria, her two grandkids - Erasmo and another little boy - I don’t remember his name though! So many crazy weird names here! Anyway, we found them through a member reference.  But all are so positive and ready to listen and read and learn about God and Jesus Christ! I love it!

It is actually crazy because part of the reason Anna Maria is ready to listen is because her husband committed suicide about 3 weeks ago! She is so sweet, but sad at the same time! It is so cool to teach her the plan of salvation though! I love it!!!! Also with Carla, she is pregnant and her husband left her about two weeks ago! It was so sad during our first lesson when she told us! She started crying and you can just see the pain on her face! But we taught her parts of the plan of salvation - like where her baby came from and how her and her husband can be married and sealed forever! We are also going to show a video we have about a couple that had problems in their marriage and how the gospel and Jesus Christ can save it!

Another little spiritual experience I had this week! I was in the house of Familia Iraheta. I had felt guided to go there on a weeknight, which is weird because they are never there on the weeknights! But I just said, we can just say hi if they are there! Anyway, they were all home and all very sick! Lehi hadn’t gone to work and had a fever! It was terrible! But he asked us to say a prayer for him, and I offered to give him a priesthood blessing! We anointed him with oil and I gave the blessing (in English). It was a really cool experience! I felt guided to go to his house! And then for him to really need the priesthood, and my worthiness and ability to give the blessing, I dont know! It was incredible! I just had such a good feeling after I left his house! I really do know that this gospel is true! That the power of God is on the earth today! Missionaries are guided to help and teach those that need and want to listen.  I love it!

I learned this week over and over how missionary work is so much more than just teaching lessons! I have loved getting to know these people and working with them and praying for them! Will you all pray for them for me too? I am sure that your prayers would help, too!

Anyway, my week has basically been dominated by awesome investigators! I am sorry if it is pretty boring to read this, but I am definitely excited about it! I love missionary work!

Oh something funny is that I have been sick this week! I think it is about the same thing I had in the MTC - stuffy nose and cough! Nothing much but I do have to blow my nose a lot! haha

Oh! I had my first incident with a drunk guy yesterday! He came up to us and asked for money. We explained we didn’t have any we were missionaries and only carry the word of god! And he started to go off on his beliefs and how we weren’t really children of god (I didn’t really understand what he was saying he was so drunk!) But no worries! We got away! hehe didn’t even have to give him money! Drunk people really act sooo different than they would if they weren’t drunk! I am glad I have the word of wisdom in my life!!

Also, just something I wanted to tell everyone about the experience I had on the bus from 2 weeks ago haha I am glad worried everyone was so worried about me! It shows me you care! But after, I got over it about a day later. It became funny! So you can all definitely laugh! I am fine and am just being more careful on buses! :) No worries! haha love you all though! Thanks for caring so much!

Anyways! I am glad to hear that all is going well at home! I love you all! Hope all is well!

Keep me in your prayers! You are always in my prayers! I love you all!!!

Elder Woodfield

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