Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 11 (08/08/11) - "Home" and another baptism!

Elder Woodfield is doing great! Last week, him and his companion, Elder Encarnacion, sat down and had a little chat in Spainglish - Braden told him that he was feeling kind of inadequate because Elder Encarnacion was a little more demanding but in the end, his companion said he wasn't very good at encouraging elders but as an indication of a job well-done, he simply gives his trainees more tasks and responsibility - therefore, Elder Woodfield is doing a GREAT job and him and Elder Encarnacion really get along great! He is loving the people and the area. 

Here is his weekly update email and some new pictures! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hey Family! 

I hope things are all well! Things are good here! Just livin’ the life of a missionary, you know? So some stuff that has happened this past week! Wow it feels like it has been like 2 days not 7! Crazy!  So this week we got another date for a baptism! We will be baptizing her this Saturday the 13th! Her name is Gaby (Gabriela) and she is 13. We met her through a member that is about her age.  The first time we met her we explained baptism and she said she wanted to be baptized! Nice, eh? So this past week we have been teaching her all the lessons and getting her ready for baptism! Crazy, huh? It has been good! We also have another family - Family Iriheta (pretty sure I mentioned them last week too?) - but they are getting closer and closer to Baptism! They are all so nice! Everyone here is so nice! It is great!

Other random stuff that has been going on:

We cleaned our house this morning! It was great because it has been getting dirtier and dirtier! I finally can stand to be in my own house again! haha I even cleaned the light switches off! I felt like I was Kalee haha. I was also tempted to wash the walls (they have a bit of dirt on them... well a lot more then Kalee would ever let in our house) but I decided not to, I really don't care all that much! Not when in like a month I wont be living there anymore! (more like 3 months or so) but you get the point! 

Also I am getting more and more used to the country! Things aren't so strange and uncomfortable anymore! I am getting used to the random fireworks that churches let off (totally random I really have no clue why they do it!) I am also getting used to all the random churches having religous concerts and stuff that keep me up! and just all of it! It is feeling more and more like home! (or maybe I am just forgetting how good home really is! Be grateful! :) )

But guess what everyone! 10% of my mission is already over! That is 1% of my life spent on a mission! Crazy ,eh? Can't wait to be home, but at the same time this is really a cool experience! I love you all! Hope you are all doing well!

So I attached some pictures! I hope they are in this order when you get them! but I'm sure you can figure it out! I'm sorry I really haven't taken many pictures because I haven't wanted to take my camera anywhere! but here’s a few!

First is the temple of San Salvador! Dedicated August 21!

Second is my first pupusas!
Third is me and my companion!
Fourth is me and my companion with my first people baptized!
and Fifth is me and the temple of San Salvador!


Elder Braden Woodfield

Middle: Bryant, 13, and Kaeti, 11
with Elder Woodfield (left) and Elder Encarnacion (right)

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