Monday, August 1, 2011

Week 10 (08/01/11) - Two Baptisms!! El Salvador.

Monday, August 1, 2011
Hey everyone! I love you all!

So second week done in El Salvador! Crazy Crazy! Lots of things have happened this week! I am starting to be able understand pretty much all everyone says to me! theres just one problem, Slang. There is SOOOOO much slang here! like they have slang words for everything from dog to how to ask you how you are feeling! I don't know! crazy crazy crazy! all is good though! They language will come! It is very frustrating sometimes though especially during lessons! I have things that I want to say but just cant! I cant wait until I am just fluent! hopefully by October or so right!? This week we have been teaching a lot of people! We are teaching a new family, the father is a member but isn't active, and the wife and three kids arent members, they are so cool! The Iriheta family is their name (Names here are so hard! everyone has at least 4 names and they all go by different ones so I just call everyone by their last names and stick a hermana or hermano in front of it! haha)  But the best part about this family is that the dad speaks english! love it makes it so much easier to teach him!

My Baptism's, This last saturday we had two baptisms! ones name is Katy and the other Bryant! we were able to baptize both, I know I mentioned in my last email that we may not baptize Bryant, but we were able to finish the lessons and teach him! It was really cool! I loved it! I messes up the names though haha I swear! it's really hard! but Its ok, they are baptized and have that ordinance for their salvation :) 

Some other things! I know that I said I was going to send pictures this week but I forgot my camera! The reason being that I didn't understand what my companion was telling me! we went to play soccer as a zone today in another city today, I thought that after soccer we would be coming back to our house and then going to email, but we came strait here to email! that's ok though! I can send them next week! I have the pictures of my companion and they people we baptized on there! its sweet!

Another story! well not really a story, It has been raining for about 4 days strait now! this last thursday it started to rain, and it has been raining off and on since then! before that it would rain about once every two days or so but it has been raining so much! when it rains here it RAINS! it rains so much that the streets turn to rivers! they have a lot of drains and stuff throught the city but it just rains so hard! During one rain storm the water was about 4 inches deep in the road! crazy! also today while we were playing soccer, it started to rain! it poured so hard! the field was like filled with water, but we just kept going! haha by the time we stopped some spots had an inch or 2, crazy crazy!

My companion, My companion is a very strong missionary. he has been in the church for about 7 years but is really really strong in it! I have a hard time sometimes with how he acts.  to put it simply he reminds me a little bit of Brett from work! (Although he doesn't call me dumb, swear or anything like that don't worry!) but he has an attitude, and is a little bossy! But he is a good guy! he teaches me a lot! I can't say that I would be best friends with him, but I definatly love him as a child of God :) Dont worry about it though I know that it is only going to get better with him! the more I can understand spanish the better we are going to get a long :)

Well i'm going to end this email now, and try and send a few individual replies to each of the others

I love you all!! Hope you are all doing really well!


Elder Braden Woodfield

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