Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 13 (08/22/11) - Temple Dedication Week in El Salvador!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hola (dad, that is how you spell it :)) Familia!

Como estan todo? I miss you all! I hope all is going well! Thank you for all your emails last week! I love reading all of your emails and stuff - It helps me to feel close to everyone even though I am far away! Something cool that Elder Eyring said was, studying and thinking about Jesus is one of the best ways to help relieve the pain of someone you miss. He was talking about those that have passed away and also people that are not with you and are away in a different part of the world. It was so cool to be with him this past week!!!

So, on Friday evening we all went to a stake center in San Salvador and President Eyring came! We were there for about 2 hours before President Eyring arrived. We were waiting and listening to area seventies talk as they set the spirit of the meeting! It was so cool to be there right before he came! They had us all return to our seats and sit and study, or just sit quietly for about 15 minutes, before the meeting. The spirit was so strong in this moment! I had the same feeling of peace and comfort that I get when I go into the celestial room of the temple! It was amazing!!!!  But then Elder Eyring came! He did not stop smiling the entire time that he was there in the meeting! He kept staring out at all the missionaries like we were all heros or something (I'm definitely not a hero! haha) but he talked to us and told us about how everything was going to be ok! He told us a story about President Hinckley and how every time the 12 got together with the prophet, the 12 usually brought very difficult news – like very sad stories about different parts of the world - but every time President Hinckley heard these things, he would smile and then look at the person that told the news and say “Everything is going to be alright.” I loved this! This can apply to all parts of our lives! It was so cool and so inspiring! President Eyring has a way with words that makes it so special! I loved it so so much! He also said that the Book of Mormon in the best way to heal your soul, to change yourself, and make yourself better. He said go to the Isaiah chapters in 2nd Nephi and study them. He said when you are reading the bom and you get to the Isaiah chapters and WANT to read them, then you will know that you are changing :)

Also, just one more thing that I noticed. We were teaching a family last night - it is the family of Kaiti, one of my first baptisms. It is her her mom and her little sister that live there, but last night the dad of the little sister (both the girls have different dads) was there.  They were all watching TV and eating. I was thinking about how similar that is to our family. I couldn’t help but think about our family and how we do this too! haha but they are very poor and have a tiny house.  I thought about how the mom works a lot to buy things for their family but still they have cell phones and things that they don’t really need. But anyway, I was just thinking... what is it that makes us happy? They aren’t happy, they have little that they own, and they are focusing on getting more for themselves, but they aren’t very happy? Is it the same with us in our lives? Are we always focusing getting more for ourselves? For our families? We always want more but we are never happy. President Eyring, on the other hand, is a happy person. He has the full joy of the gospel. I seriously never saw him stop smiling! He was such a happy and inspiring person! I learned so much from this experience! We really cannot be happy from the things of the world! We are in the same situation in our country as they are here and we have SO much more there! We really need to focus ourselves in the gospel. Learn of Christ - this is the only way we can have TRUE happiness in this life! Anyway, just a thought haha I have just been thinkin’ lots! I love you all!!

Anyway, thanks for all you all do! I love you so so so so much! Keep writing - I love your letters!!

Stay happy and strong!!

Elder Woodfield

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