Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week 83 (12/24/2012) - Christmas SKYPE!

Hey family!

How is everyone doing today? I love you all so much! So I was waiting a while for a computer today at the Stake Center and by the time I got one, everyone else was already almost done! haha so I have about 3 minutes to write because everyone is waiting for me to finish to lock up the church! haha but anyway, I just wanted to write you all really quick and tell you all that I love you! I love you all for your emails and support here on Christmas! I can't wait to talk to you all tomorrow! I hope that everyone is enjoying their Christmas Eve and that you are all thinking about Christ! I love you all so much!

I love you all so much for your love and support!!! I will tell you all more about my week tomorrow! Make sure you all write a few questions that I can answer! And make sure everyone is there - Derek and Paige, Britny and Luke if possible - I want to see everyone!

I love you all!!!!!!


Tuesday, December 25 - Christmas Day

We got to Skype Braden today for Christmas! He is doing so well and finishing strong. A few fun photos and things we learned: 

  • He only has about 3 transfers left!
  • He will most likely no longer be Branch President after a few weeks because there is a member in their area that just moved in that would be the perfect BP
  • He loves to share the gospel
  • Liz is a "legend" in Braden's mission for being the "perfect girlfriend"
  • He realizes that he is a "weird" missionary
  • It is bittersweet that he comes home so soon
  • He is happy and well! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 82 (12/17/2012) - A little Christmas Cheer - EFY, Fun, and Parties

Hey family!

How is everyone doing this fine December day?? haha

I love you all! Today I am sorry if my letter is a little short! We are writing early to be able to go to a place called Perquin, here in Morazon! A member has a house there that has like a ping pong table and an awesome kitchen and stuff! I think I sent a couple of pictures or something maybe about it? haha but anyway, 6 of us missionaries are going up there to enjoy a nice day and cook some food!!!!! WOOOOOO haha it will be fun! Also, this Wednesday, we will be with the President in San Salvador to have our Christmas party! So that will be fun too! But nothing compares to next Tuesday! Christmas! Yay! I will be on Skype in the morning at about 10 o'clock my time. I think it is about 9 o'clock over there...is that ok with everyone? I hope so! If not, let me know. I will be on the computer for P-day the day before Christmas.

Anyway, this week has been an awesome week! Today at 4:30am, all the youth of our branch went to EFY! That's a big thing here because it only happens every 3 years! So all the youth are so excited! We have been going to each of the youth's houses, getting them all excited and helping them get all their stuff together to pack because none of them ever do anything haha...but it was fun getting up early this morning and seeing all the youth so excited to go! They will all love it there! 

We are still working with the Familia Rosales! We still think that they will be baptized on the 25th! There are just a few challenges that they have still, but we will see! If not, it would be the weekend after that! They are awesome people! I love them!

I love you all! I hope that everyone is having an amazing Christmas season! It is truly an amazing time of year! I love it! Make sure you all read a lot about Christ this week in your studies! I love you all!

Stay close and keep the emails coming! I love you all!!!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 81 (12/10/2012) - Hola from Sunny El Salvador!

Hola Familia!

How is everyone doing!? I love you all! I hope that the snow is treating you all well! I saw in the pictures that dad sent me that there is a little bit of snow on the ground in front of the house dad is building! Cool!!

I am glad that everyone is doing well, though! Thanks for sending me all the emails and letters! I am excited to receive the packages in a week or so! (I will probably get them this next week when we have an activity with the President! Speaking of that, if I don't write on Monday, it's because I will write on Wednesday next week) but I love you all! I hope that you are all in the Christmas spirit and you are feeling Christ's love!

This is an amazing time of year! I remember that last year at this time, I didn't really feel the "Christmas Spirit," so to speak. I think it was mostly because I didn't understand the language! But this year I feel the difference! I love the feeling of Christmas! I really loved the Christmas Devotional a couple weeks ago! It's an amazing time of year and I love to serve at this time!

So, as for Skype I will be on it Christmas Morning, I'm still not sure of the exact time yet but I will let you know after I talk with my companion!

The reason that we will be having to Skype in the morning is because of a baptism! The Familia Rosales decided to not get baptized on the 22nd but to be baptized on the 25th! They wanted a day to remember so they definitely did a good job with that! It's going to be so cool! I will let you all know how it goes!

Apart from that, all is going well! I love it here! I have been learning lots and lots! Something cool happened this last week! We went to a member that lives about 20 minutes away from our house by bus and it was a place we had never visited before! We went to go talk to a few of the friends that he had out there, and as we walked up to each house, everyone recieved us with so much love! Each person, even though they didn't know us, dropped everything, set up some plastic lawn chairs (that's what they use here for furniture) and they all sat and listed to our message! Sometimes I have felt like a little mad at people here in this country for not listening, but as I went to this place and I talked to each of them, I felt again how truly humble and loving each of the people are here! It's amazing! I love it!

I love you all!!!

I hope that all is well up there in Utah!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Week 80 (12/3/2012) - Tarde Alegre and upcoming baptism!

Want a coke? haha
All the members at their activity!
A picture of 2 girls dancing at a branch activity we had (if you notice, one of them is Stefany! The baptism we had in September!)
Primary kids in their branch! 

Hola familia!

How is everyone doing today?? I hope that everyone is doing really well! It is all going well here in El Salvador! It sounds like things are getting cold down there this week! I hope that there is a lot of snow there! At least in the mountains! Are the ski resorts open yet? I really miss snow and skiing! I say that haha but as I get back, I am going to be dying with the cold! Hermana Glazier went back last May to her son's wedding and she said she was really cold there...and it was 75 degrees during the day! I wonder if you need to buy me a big parka! haha I can be like an Eskimo while all the rest of you guys are getting un-thawed from the winter! Speaking of parkas and stuff, do you guys still have my orange ski outfit? Don't sell it! haha

Anyway, this week has been great! We had a cool activity! They call it a "Tarde Alegre," which means "Happy Afternoon." It is basically a talent show from the branch! It was fun! there were a bunch of people that sang and danced. There was even an act thing that they did from a Spanish program that would be like the equivelant of Giligan's Island (like it is an old show that was really popular...it is called "El Chavo del 8") but it was fun! I attached some pictures!

Also, the Familia Rosales accepted to be baptized this month on the 22 of December! They are great! The Familia Abrego isn't getting baptized yet because of a paper that was expired, but we are going to do all we can to have them baptized before the end of the year! They are always in church and just love it there! I love the converts here! They are so strong and just love the church!

Anyway! I love you all a lot! I'm excited for the Christmas season! The devotional was great last night!! I love you all!!!
