Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Week 57 (06/25/2012) - Two new families and a baptism!

Hey Family!

That is so awesome that Kortnee and Dylan are now sealed! SO AWESOME! Way to go! I promise I will make you both a cake or something tasty when I get home to celebrate! haha sound good? How was St. George! Was it pretty hot? I bet it was really nice to get to swim! I love swimming and I want to go! haha anyway, I hope that you were all happy down there and everything!

So this week has been a great week! I got a new companion! Elder Coy is in his house and everything now and I am with another Gringo! haha I think Im never supposed to totally master spanish! no just kidding spanish is going along good but it is cool! My companions name is Elder Rogers he is from Gilbert arizona! thats where dallas is living if Im not mistaken? Speaking of dallas he comes home in 3 months! WOW! anyways so he is really nice! He reminds me a lot of Thomas Porter if that makes any sense! haha but he is great! he has a lot of faith and its AMAZING how many miracles we have had with just an increase of faith! 

This week we have found 2 new families (parents and kids) that are really great! We found the Familia Lino who are just awesome! The dad's name is Byron and the Mom is Abigail! They also have two kids, Wendy and Byron Jr. that are 7 and 3 years old. They read what we leave and didn't even have doubts about the commandments we taught them! We have a baptismal date for them on the 21st or so of August! It is great! Also, we have the Familia Melina. We had a really cool experience when we found them! We were walking around one night, knocking on doors and inviting people to a family night that we were going to be having at a member's house nearby! Well, we weren't having very much success! And so my companion said, "Let's say a prayer!" So, we went off the side of the road and said a prayer. After that, we kept walking down the road a bit and about 100 feet further, there was a big group of guys all dressed in black, smoking and drinking. They were obviously not a good crowd! I had a thought "... uhh..... turn around Braden." And then another thought that was stronger, "No, just walk with a purpose and they won't do anything to you." So, we kept walking and they didn't do anything! But anyway, we got past and a little bit farther, all we saw was a little store and then a dirt road that led down a hill and we couldn't see any houses at first! We stopped and then I saw off to our right in the trees, a house. We walked up and started talking to the dad there. He was really receptive and invited us in! We talked to him for a few minutes, gave him a Book of Mormon, and set an appointment for the next day! We went back and taught them and they also accepted baptism but we haven't put a specific date yet. Yay!!! Can't wait to teach even more families! Woo!!1\

Also this week.... we had a surprise baptism!! We didn't even know her until Saturday afternoon and she got baptized yesterday! Woo!! Her name is Rosa Guadaloupe. She has been going to church for about 18 years but was never baptized because she had been living with a guy for that whole time and he didn't want to get married! Anyway, her son is serving a mission right now and all the members know them! Many members even thought that she was already a member! haha but Thursday afternoon, we got a call from her nephew that's in the High Council of our Stake and he said that she had ended her relationship a little while ago and that she wanted to get baptized! We went and contacted her that day but she wasn't home! We went back that Friday and she wasn't home either! Then, we went back again Saturday afternoon, and she was finally there! We talked to her for about a half hour about her son on a mission and shared some scriptures, and then we talked about baptism with her. She said that she really wanted to get baptized but that she wanted her nephew (the guy that gave us the reference) to do the baptism! We were like, "okay, that's fine!" And we asked when she wanted to get baptized? And she said..."Well, my nephew leaves for Peru tomorrow (yesterday) and he will be gone till December, soo.... I want to get baptized tomorrow!" We were astonished and didn't know what to say! It has never happened to us before so we were like uhhhh.... well let's see if there would be anything to stop her from being baptized. We went through the interview questions! She had NO problems and had already been going to church every Sunday for a very long time! So she was completely ready for baptism! We had to put the baptism together and get her a formal interview but she was able to get baptized yesterday! She won't be confirmed until next sacrament meeting because she was baptized after church, and converts have to be confirmed in the sacrament meeting, but it was so cool!!! I loved it!! What a wonderful week it has been! I loved it all! So many miracles and there are so many more to come! My companion is an answer to my prayers and we are going to be working really, really hard to have a lot of success!!!! WOOO!

Oh and also, my companion finishes his mission at the end of this transfer! He goes home in 6 weeks! So I guess I get to send another one home! haha but he is very different from all the other missionaries that go home! He is really excited to work and ready to go! 

I love you all!! I hope all is well at home and that you are all recieving as many blessings as we are here! I'm so grateful for all that we have! It is awesome!!!

I love you all!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Week 56 (06/18/2012) - Happy 13 months, Elder Woodfield!

Elder Woodfield has been serving for 13 months today!

Here are some fun pictures from some special activities they had with the Mission President and all the Zone Leaders.

Hiking to the top of the San Salvador Volcano.

Enjoying some Wendy's!

Hey Family! 

I love you all!!
Wow the week has finally come! Kortnee gets married! WOW! haha thanks for all the pictures that everyone sent! It looked like it was a lot of fun! I'm glad I could be there in the form of cardboard! haha but Kortnee looked beautiful, Dylan muy guapo with your new suit and all that stuff! Looked really fun! All those flowers looked great, too, and it just looked cool!
I hope that this week is just as cool down in Saint Goerge! (Cool as in awesome, because it definately won't be cold! haha) but it will be sweet! The St. George temple is really pretty! I love it down there! I wish you (Kortnee and Dylan), the best of luck. I hope that all goes really well for you both! I love you!
Crazy how fast things change! I was looking at the pictures and Anslee is really big with so much hair! Britny is pregnant again (something I already knew, but the pictures were still a bit of a suprise! haha) But you all look really good and happy! 

Well, my week here has been really good as well! We have been working really hard during Elder Coy's last week! This morning, he went to have his last interview with the President and it went well! But this last week went really well! We found a new family that we taught once! They are really good and have a lot of weird, crazy ideas haha but they are good! Their names are Pedro and Margarita! We also found a 20 year old girl that is really interested! We're going to teach her family this week as well, but when we taught her this last week we taught the Book of Mormon and it was great! She was REALLY interested and really wanted to know more! It was really good to teach somone with a desire to learn! We know that she has a true desire to learn because, without us knowing, she went to church yesterday to another ward with a friend - so she is really interested! I'm excited to continue teaching her!
Other than that, we have been working really hard and talking to A LOT of people! Elder Coy may be ready to go to home but he knows how to talk to people! We stop people in the streets, we knock doors, we talk to people on the bus! It's really cool to do that! It's definately outside of my comfort zone, but we find a lot of really good people that way!
That's it! I just want to let you all know that I love you so much! I hope that you are all happy and know that I'm thinking about you!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 55 (06/11/2012) - Member of 70 and hard work for God!

Hola Familia!
How is everyone doing?? I love you all! What is it like up there in Utah during the summer with air conditioning? I hope that you are all enjoying the heat finally! But that is so awesome that you all went to Moses Lake and had the open house there! I bet it was really cool! I hope that everything went well and that everyone is happy! THAT IS SO CRAZY THAT THE ACTUAL WEDDING IS NEXT WEEK! I can't believe it's already come so fast! Dylan, what did you think when you were on your mission? Like this day is never going to come?? Haha but then all of a sudden, it's here! Crazy anyway! Good luck with the open house this weekend! I hope all is pretty and clean! SEND ME PICTURES PLEASE?????? Haha
Anyway, sounds like all is going well up there! I hope that everyone is happy and well! I am doing good here! Lots of companion changes and interviews for baptisms and stuff so we are working hard here!! This has been a busy and crazy week all at the same time! Elder Coy only has a week and a half left of his mission and not going to lie, I will be sad to see him leave but happy at the same time! haha Hes' an awesome companion and I learn so much of him!Bbut it is a bit hard to be with someone going home so soon! It's not that it makes me homesick or anything, on the contrary, it makes me want to work harder here! It's all for our experience though, as the scriptures say! There are so many learning experiences in life and I don't want to miss one of them!

Bueno, so this week, we have the meeting with the member of the 70! WOOO haha its Elder Maines, the new member of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy! It will be really cool! I can't wait to take notes and learn lots! So also, today, we had a special P-day with the President! As Zone Leaders, he took us all up to the top of the San Salvador volcano! It was coool! But the best part was that we had a little 10 minute devotional up there! It was really spiritual! He talked about how God created all these things for us! Then he talked to us about how God is very loving and gave us all this and we have to give back to him.  It was an "eye opener" when he told us that as pleased as God is that we are here and are working hard, that he can be more pleased. I realize that he wasn't just talking about missionary work, but about life.  As hard as we try, there is always a better path. We are never perfect and we must continually be better in order to please God to our utmost ability! I want to be better and to be more like him! After all, that is why we're here right?? Anyway, just that that it was interesting what he said!

But cool! I love you all! I hope that everyone has a wonderful week! Good luck Kortnee and Dylan! Happy Birthday Lizzie!  I love you all!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 54 (06/04/2012) - A simple mission week

Hey family!!!

How is everyone doing?? Everyone is happy and well, I hope! What is going on with the wedding? It's getting close! I hope that noone is too stressed! I'm stoked to see all the pictures and everthing! Hope it all goes smoothly! 

So, this week has come and gone! It's been a bit slow lately because my companion has a lot of back pain and leg pain (he says it is because of the time he has on the mission but I don't think so haha). Becuase of that. he moves a bit slow and he's just not super excited! haha but no worries! He goes home in 3 weeks and I should have another companion! My companion right now is really good at helping people! I am learning a lot from him about how to talk to people, how to form relationships, and how to teach others that they need to change without making them mad - haha sounds weird, but it's true! Especially with other missionaries, you have to help them recognize the things they need to change and help them have the desire to do it! But if you just go tell them strait up, and that missionary doesn't like you, obviously they are just going to ignore you! But if you build a relationship and help them know that you love them, they respect you and want to change! So, its interesting! And my companion is really good at helping others! 

As for investigators, it's kind of hard! We have been working with a lot of people but they aren't progressing, or aren't progressing very fast at least! But we are working hard! We are going to change a few of the ways we have been working and do our best to help them to do what they need to do! We are still working with Pedro and his 3 kids, and Nelson and his family (they are still waiting for the divorce!) But all is well! Keep praying for them and I know we will have a lot of success here! 

Also, this week, I got to go with Elder Gishwiller on divisions! He was an elder in the MTC with me and he is now in my zone! It was fun! We talked about a lot of things and just had some fun! He is a bit of a Star Wars/Lord of the Rings nerd! haha he loves it and knows all the "LORE" about them! Or in other words, he knows all the background stories and things that no one ever reads except nerds...haha but it was still really fun to talk to him! It's definately an interesting experience here in El Salvador! haha 

Something cool! Max (the kid we baptized a couple weeks ago) passed the sacrament for the first time yesterday! woo!!!! :) So coo! I loved seeing that! 

Oh! So next Tuesday, we have a visit from a member of the Presidency of the 70! Woo! I don't know exactly who it is but we will see! haha But its always cool to get to hear from a General Authority!

Also this week, I bought and gave scriptures to Jose Gutierez (the person that was talking to you guys in English on Skype that reminded you to do family night and scripture study and prayer) I got him a nicer set because he has NEVER had his own scriptures before! He has always used the free paperback ones! He didn't stop smiling for 20 minutes! He was SO happy! it is awesome to see how grateful he is and how much he loved it! He told me to tell you all thank you for your support and that he loves you all! 

That is about my whole week! I love you all! Good luck with wedding preperations! I hope all goes well! Let me know if there is anything more I can do for you all! 

I love you!!