Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 39 (02/20/12) - Thinking of food and successful missionary work!

Elder Woodfield (right) and Elder Garcia with Oscar Pinto, who left for Nicaragua on his mission this week!

At Jonothan's (Carlos' cousin) baptism on Saturday (02/18). They are with his family (they aren't members but they are working on that one!! haha) 

This is the Familia Chicas, Raul and Rebeka, with the Elders!

Hey everyone!

How is everyone?!?
I got on a bit early today because I have to run to San Salvador today to do a bit of business, you know being a missionary, I'm a very busy man! haha just kidding I'm just going to return some money to the Secretary! But anyway, that's what's up today! It takes about an hour to get there from here! It should be fun! We are planning to go to Wendy's too!! I haven't had Wendy's since I left Ogden!!!! Ah!!! I love Wendy's! It's amazing what food you miss when you haven't had it in a long time! Foods like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (I hated them before my mission because I had had them millions of times but now it's like a luxury!) And beef! They don't eat very much beef here because it's expensive... mmmmm a nice sirlion steak sounds so good right now! Or prime rib!! Mashed potatos! I miss good Idaho potatoes! haha anyway, I'm just making myself hungry! haha all is good though!! I get rice and beans at least!! hehe oh and platanos fritos are so good!! (fried bananas mmmmmmmmmmm nothing better!!) Would it surprise any of you that my favorite meal of all time for breakfast is the "classic" liquified beans, fried bananas, and eggs all with tortillas! Mmm nothing beats it! I could eat it every day for breakfast!! hehe
Anyway, so on to the missionary life! This last weekend, we had a baptism!!! Yay!! Carlos' cousin was baptized this last weekend!! He is a 14 year old young man and he is so happy!! He is a very shy kid though and he doesn't talk much but I love him! I will attach a picture of the baptism too!! But he has been preparing for several weeks for his baptism and he was so ready!! He was just completely stoked for the baptism! I can't wait to come back with all of you so you can meet them all!!
Other than that, we have some exciting news!! The Familia Chicas (the family I said that as I walked into their house, I just felt like they would get baptized) accepted a baptismal date for March 10th last night!! Isn't that exciting!! I am so stoked!!! Pray that all will go well with them and that they can be prepared for that day, ok?? Also, I will be sending a picture of Raul and Rebeka Chicas in my email today. I got a picture of them because I wanted you to know what they look like!!!
As you probably have already figured out, I am still in Lourdes with Elder Garcia! I am so happy I get to be here another transfer! We have so many good people that we are teaching!! I could spend hours talking about all of them but it would just make you all bored! haha but about all of you guys! I am so happy that you had a good week!! Everyone's still alive and dad has a new smile right?? haha sweet!! I love you all!! If there is anything I can do, I'm here for you all!!!
I just wanted to apologize as well for my last couple of emails, they've been a little bit boring I think!  But I will try to put more information from now on, deal??
You can tell everyone that I have gotten their letters - Kolby's, Melissa's, and stuff. I read in moms email that they were wondering. So, yup yup!
Anyway, that's about it for this week! If you have any  questions for me, let me know!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! Stay safe and happy in that nice and frosty snow!! hehe you're jealous of me and Lizzie, arent you?! hehe anyway, love ya!!


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