Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 38 (02/13/12) - Youth Investigators and a fun companion!

Elder Woodfield in a mango tree, picking green mangoes to eat!
Elder Garcia "doing a weird point thing, I don't know exactly," says Braden
Carlos Baptism on Saturday, February 4, 2012
Left to right - Elder Braden, Carlos' grandma (member), his brother, Carlos' sister (Lucia), Carlos, Carlos' other sister (Victoria), Elder Garcia, and Carlo's Aunt (Isabel)

A cool picture of Carlos and Isabel (his aunt) at the baptism

Hey family!!! 

How is everyone on this fine day??? I hope it is as fine for you up there as it is for me here!! I am dying!! haha it is getting into the hottest two months of the year here!!! It's around 100 degrees every day and it's supposed to be getting hotter!! Ah!!!!!!! haha but all is good - not complaining or anything. I love it here!!!
Other than that, all is good here!! We have been working with 3 youth for baptism! 1 is named Stephanie. She's 16 years old and is studying to be a nurse (they start really early here) but she is awesome! She's getting her whole family (a family of 6 people) in on the church too!! They are still a ways off from baptism but they are getting more and more comfortable with the Book of Mormon and everything!

We are also teaching carlos' cousin named Jonothan. He is 14 and really likes the church! He lives just as far as carlos does too!! haha If we have permission from his stepdad this week, he can be baptized this next weekend! We're working on that though! He's really nice and loves what we teach! He just sometimes has a bit of a hard time understanding my spanish haha I find that the farther I get from the city, the harder it is for people to understand me! haha it's funny!
Also, we are working with a kid named Melvin. He is 13 years old and is really nice! It's funny because you can tell that his parents (even though they aren't from our church), have been pressuring him to be baptized because every question that we ask him - like "what is the purpose of being here in this life" (normally people answer to learn to grow things like that) - he always answers "to be baptized."  But, he really does have the personal desire, we are just trying to help him understand that it is a lot more than baptism!!!
Also, we have been working with the family Chicas (the parents and 2 kids) and they are so great!! The dad has been out-of-town working for about a week and a half but we have stopped by to say hi to the mom and she loves the church!! She has read parts of the Book of Mormon that we have given her, prayed about it, and says she knows it's true!! I love it!!!
Other than that, its been a good week! Lots of normal missionary work! I love it! my companion is great!! We get along so well together! He is such a dork! We always just throw dumb jokes at eachother, kind of like me and james used to do haha but it's awesome! We get along really well! It's fun!! I hope that I get to be with him for the full 12 weeks of the training program! the president said that I might not be with him for the full 12 weeks but we will see this afternoon if one of us will be changing or not!
But, it's been a really good week! I love you all!! Guess what?! Almost nine months! Crazy, huh?? Where has time gone!! Almost a full year!!! I love you all!!! Stay Close!!!

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