Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 26 (11/21/11) - More baptisms!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hey everyone!

How is it going this week?


I am grateful for the opportunity to write you this week! As it is Thanksgiving… I should be, yeah?? :) Well, I always am grateful to write you guys! I love writing to you about my experiences and getting emails! Thanks so much for your love and support these past 6 months! I can't believe that I have already been out here for that long!!! Crazy!!!!

So, this week has been really fun! We had another baptism! Like I said on Thursday, we were able to interview Claudia and then Sandra, and we baptized them both!! We also baptized Claudia’s nephew, but his mom is a member so it doesn’t count as a "convert" baptism but it was still cool!! The baptismal service was really spiritual and I loved it! The zone leader that did the interviews asked them who they wanted to baptize them, and they all said they wanted me! I felt extremely honored to be the one to be able to baptize all three of them! They are all such special people! I love to work with the people here in El Salvador! It is such a special opportunity to do this!!

ANYONE that has the opportunity to help someone come to baptism, should do it! You don’t need to be a missionary to help people be converted to Christ and receive all these blessings that we have! Think about your friends that aren’t members and just imagine them in white ready to enter the waters of baptism! Really, do all that you can to share this amazing message! Just think about it, we have so much happiness through the gospel - we have the opportunity to enter the temple and do work for the dead and help others but we have friends that still haven’t had the chance to learn! Basically what I am trying to say is… give the missionaries references and then help the missionaries to teach them! The missionaries love it but then also the people are helped SO MUCH!!! What you will find is that you will have an "addiction" to help others. Can’t you just see the blessings that this could bring?!?!?

Other exciting things that happened this week! I bought new shoes! My first new pair of shoes in the mission!!! My other ones are basically THRASHED and so I decided to buy a pair here! They were cheap but work well! I hope that they last at least a couple months! haha those that I had before lasted 6 months! That is a long time with as much walking as we do! haha but that is pretty exciting!

So... I haven’t done much since this last Thursday... don’t have much more to say! I do want to say, however, that I went to pizza hut the other day and had “pan con ajo” or garlic bread... DELICIOUS! Haha I am craving good food!!! I can’t wait to come home and just destroy the kitchen! Haha sound good????

That is about it! I love you all! I hope that you are all doing really well! I am praying for all of you every morning and night! Keep working hard and remember that through Christ, anything is possible! He loves you and just remember the hymn "Abide with me ‘tis eventide" No matter the problems -economic, spiritual, mental, or anything - Christ is with us, Christ has felt everything that you are feeling. Use the atonement, don’t take it for granted!

I love you all! I am so grateful to be here at this time of year!!!

Love you all! Happy thanksgiving!!!


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