Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 7 (07/07/11) - The MTC

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Hola Familia!

10 days until I leave for El Salvador!!! I don't have my travel plans just yet but I am definitely ready! I should be getting my travel plans later today so I will send a letter home letting everyone know times and stuff so I can call deal? :)

As for this week, same as ever! Just living life in the MTC! I just have to say.... I am so bored of it here! I definitely need the time to learn the language but I just feel like I would learn so much more quickly if I were to be speaking to native speakers! I am excited for El Salvador!

As for the devotionals this week, we had Jenny Oaks Baker come to the devotional on Sunday! This is the daughter of Elder Oaks of the quorum of the 12. She is one of the world’s best violinists and she played us some music! She played a lot of really cool songs like Amazing Grace and This is the Christ! It was good to get to just sit there and listen rather then have to hear a speaker :) also we got to have a fourth of July celebration Saturday night! it was cool they had a speaker that is one of the branch presidents of the MTC who is also an advisor to the president during the week! He spoke with us about how important it is to have freedom in all around the world for the sole purpose of being able to spread the gospel everywhere! We then got to have ice cream (which was cool because we were supposed to be fasting but the MTC gave it to us so it was ok I guess!) but then we got to watch the fireworks from the stadium of fire it was really cool! It definitely made me miss home a lot! I can't wait to come home and blow some stuff up with Derek when I'm home!

I love you all!! Hope you are all well!! I got your letters and I will write you back today! It may be a bit short though because We are assigned to clean the temple at 12:30 and won’t be done till like 4 or so, so that takes up like half our p day! Its ok though! I am excited to serve in the house of the lord!!



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