Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 8 (07/14/11) - The MTC

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hola Familia!

Only 3 more full days left in the MTC for me! I am so excited to leave! I am so excited for normal food! I am so excited to go to El Salvador! :) YAY! Regardless of how nice it is here on campus it is definitely a very confined place after 9 weeks, first few weeks were fine it was just after the EXACT same schedule for 8 weeks and one day ( so far only 3 days left!). So this week was almost exact of last week, I woke up every day at 615 (not 630 because you can't get a shower then!) but then I went through my day, class, TALL (computer program for the language) gym personal study and food. Basically if I was speaking Russian and had 3 more weeks I would explode!!

But there is always the upside of church and devotionals in the MTC this Sunday we had a really cool devotional on repentance and how it was not a sad, or scary thing, how it is meant to be an extremely happy thing. the speaker said that we as a culture have gotten into the mindset that repentance is bad. The speaker used the phrase "I want to be in the repentance hall of fame" He wants to become someone who is always repenting even of the little things. He related it back to us and how we can teach repentance and how when we teach someone with major transgressions we need to emphasize how repentance is a good/great thing in our lives! We also had a member of the 70 come this week on Tuesday. He spoke of Christ and gave a presentation depicting his atonement and how infinite it really was. One of my favorite quotes is that " If we have a hard time comprehending how far the extent of the atonement goes on this world (for about 80 billion people) how much more incredible is it that it was for the ENTIRE universe. For worlds with out end" The savior's atonement is incredible! I love it so much, and I love him!!

I testify of the Atonement of Jesucristo and that this church is true! I love you all! I will call Monday around 12:30/1:00 ish!

Hope you are all well!!


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