Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week 5 (06/23/11) - The MTC

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hola familia!!!

How are you all? I have been thinking a lot about you this week!! So I just wanted to tell you all about the talk we had this week and also the opportunity that we have had yesterday and this weekend!

So on Tuesday, we heard a talk from a guy in the seventy... Don't remember his name to tell you the truth!!! But anyway, not the point! The point is, I like it!! Throughout his talk, he talked about what an amazing work missionary work is, and I am so excited!!! He talked about some of the feelings of being a missionary and it made me just want to pick up and get out of here right then! I want to be in El Salvador so badly right now!!! I get my travel plans two weeks from today can you believe it! I leave for El Salvador in 3 and a half weeks!!!

But as for this weekend and yesterday. There are 140 or so new mission presidents being trained here at the MTC! There are presidents from all over the world! Africa, Asia, South America. And the cool thing is, when they train new mission presidents, the apostles come to teach them!!! 11 out of the 12 apostles are going to be here this week along with all 3 of the first presidency!! That is so cool isn’t it! Anyway, I'm way excited! We get to have a devotional tomorrow and they said that this will be the only times in our lives so many apostles will be in the same room!!! (aside from general conference) Anyway, I'm excited and it is going to be so so cool!! I will have to write all of you and let you know how it went next week!!! I love you and I hope you are all doing well!!! If there is anything I can do let me know!!!

Love you all!!

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