Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week 3 (06/09/11) - The MTC

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How are you guys? I miss you all! So I just wanted to tell you all about my days here at the MTC. I think I mentioned a few things in my first email but I will just mention them again because I didn't get a response!

So the first day I was here I was in class with only Spanish being spoken to me. It was so confusing!!! At first it just gave me a headache, but even though I understand a lot more now I get annoyed!! It is like just talk to me in English! but it is good it is definitely an inspired way the church has come up with to teach. The only time they speak in English is when they are teaching the doctrines of the gospel. So far we have learned about why the BOM is important to the conversion of the investigator, the plan of salvation, prayer and a few other things. It’s kind of cool though because even though these things are focused on how you can help the investigator be converted, they are also focused on your conversion! I would recommend to all of you to get a preach my gospel and go through each of the concepts in the chapter three lessons and pray about them all!!! It is a testimony building experience and I promise it will make you so strong!!

Anyways I know I’m probably boring you with all my talk about spiritual stuff! haha. The days here blur together so bad! We are awake 16 hours a day from 630 am to 1030 pm, i am up longer before noon sometimes then I was up all day before I left! (Just kidding but it is kind of true eh?) but I have started to get used to it, I am still definitely tired at the end of the day but it is usually a good tired!! Something that is super bothersome to me is the food....... so last night we had "sirloin steaks" yeah it was just a opposite cut piece of sirloin that had been braised. It wasn't a steak at all! it was potroast! grr........... anyway, I will be getting some totally delicious pupusas in El Salvador so I’m cool with that!!! Something funny about the MTC is how many injuries and sicknesses there are!!! You walk around on campus and it seems that every fifth person is on crutches it is funny!! So far in just our district of 10 elders, we have had one have knee surgery (he had a slight complication from an acl reconstruction he had a few years ago pretty simple surgery) and then, my companion had some heart problems this week! We had to get x-rays and stuff (which was cool because we got to walk a whole block away outside of the MTC this play is crazy small and it was so nice to get out!) but he is fine now they doctor thinks he has congestion in his chest cavity and gave him anti-inflammatory medication and he has a check up next week. It's just crazy how many people get hurt!

Anyways email me back any questions you have! or just write me I will be back on next Thursday!!!

Peace and blessings, Peace and Blessings!!!

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