Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 4 (06/16/11) - The MTC

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Hola familia!

Como estas? How is the weather? Have you gone boating yet? How are Jax and Sadie? How is the deck and the how and stuff going? Derek did you get a letter I sent you 2 weeks ago? I hope you did! I am going to send another one today so no worries! How is everyone!!!!???

So on this email I will just basically tell you all what I have gotten to do this week!!

My week has been fairly normal. This last Sunday we had a speaker from the MTC speak to all of us. He gave a really good talk on Chastity and how to teach it to investigators. He really made it sink into me how absolutely important it is to teach it and live it with the upmost respect! It was really cool! Monday was normal just class! My companion and I have been teaching mock investigators nearly daily and it is all in Spanish! At first, I would say maybe one or two lines that I had memorized but now I have enough vocabulary and knowledge of the principles that I can hold my own for about half the lesson! It is so cool to see how quickly the spirit teaches me. Also having the spirit with us as we teach is absolutely essential! Outside of lessons when the spirit isn't as strong, I can hardly speak in sentences! It is coming though and I am excited to continue to learn!!! Derek, you need to take language classes! They will help you so much when you go on your mission and if you graduate seminary which I know you will you will be going foreign!

Tuesday we had the Primary general president come and speak to us! It was funny - when she first got up, she said "I realize that most of you are wondering, What the heck is the primary president going to teach us?!" but she definitely taught us a lot!! She brought it back to the basics of what we do, she had us sing songs like I hope they call me on a mission and I believe in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, (but in I Hope they call me on a mission she changed the words to I’m glad they called me on a mission, now that I have grown a foot or two it was kind of funny!!) but she definitely taught me and everyone a lot! She had a really good spirit and it just helped me to remember what the basic, pure truths of our gospel are!

Anyway! I love you all! Hope all is well! I pray for you all every day! Thanks for all of your prayers!!!



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