Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 9 (07/25/11) - Lourdes, EL SALVADOR

July 25, 2011
Hey Family!!! 

How are all of you all? I may not be putting very much punctuation or capitalization in this email because the keyboards here are different then the ones in America!!! Ah! so weird to be able to use technology again! K I'm safe, I haven’t gotten sick, yet, I am happy and I am working hard! How is home? I haven’t had a chance to read your emails yet the place we email at we have to pay to use the computers and if we enter the code and get on the internet I don't think that we can get back on if we log off.... I am not totally sure though because my companion speaks mostly spanish....... anyway! I will figure out how to better use the computers next week sound good? And by then I will be able to respond to all of your emails and stuff. thanks for writing me though! I was glad to get on and see like 4 or 5 emails from all of you! Lizzie included, but I am going to tell you all about my week sound good?

I got to El Salvador about 8 o’clock last Monday night, we walked out of the airport and it was about 90 degrees and 100 percent humidity..... we were sweating so bad! Definitely ok though, my hands are so soft from all the humidity!!! After this we took a bus to the presidents house and had a bit of dinner! Our president’s house is so nice! the outside looks like it is really run down but as soon as you step inside you like loose your breath, It is small like 1500 square feet but very very nice! Anyway, Tuesday we had orientation, and got our visas all taken care of! I am now legal to live in El Salvador! I have my green card so to speak hehe but Tuesday was boring because we were all so tired and didn’t want to be there haha but we met our companions Tuesday night. my companions name is Elder Encarnacion.  He is from the Dominican Republic, which is cool because that is where Anthony Robinson is going yeah? I read that part of Lizzie’s letter, but he is a black person that speaks spanish very very fast! I was so lost the first couple days! He does speak a little bit of english though so we can usually get across what we want to say!

Wednesday was my first day in the field We stayed at the Assistant to the President’s house for the first two nights and we had to wake up at 4 to be transferred to our areas. I am in an area called Lourdes, I don't know if you can find it on a map but it is just to the west of San Salvador, it is actually a suburb of it we live in a community called Campos Verde 1 I think? I am still so lost here they don’t have street addresses or really have names for their cities like we do! I hope that you can at least find a little bit of where I am! It is a really nice area! there is a lot of people, but it is fairly clean! Definitely not the US though stray dogs everywhere you go, tons of people sit on their front porches, everywhere you go there are pupusarias, and all the buildings have dirt or smoke stains on them hehe Mom and Kalee would DIE here haha but to me it is nice! it is one the nicer areas there are in the mission, and our house is one of the nicest in the mission! our house has a lot of room in it there is a bit entry way that we don’t use for anything because we have like no furniture, a little kitchen we have a 2 burner stove with one of the burners burned out so that is fun! but we usually are fed by members, everyone here is so nice!, a little bedroom with two beds, a closet room with all our stuff in it, tiny bathroom, but it is clean! (now at least! I took bleach to it this morning hehehe) and then also a back room that is outside, it has our pila (which is our sink that we fill up and has our water during the day because our water turns off at 11 am to 5 or 6 pm) but it is all really nice! I like it! definitely different then America, and not going to lie I definitely miss America, but this is becoming more and more comfortable every day! I know that this is thanks to all your prayers! thank you so much! but the first day there, Wednesday, we went to teach a couple families, it was fun, even though I didn’t understand anything that anyone was saying! they talk with SO much slang here! I had one person tell me I won't be learning spanish I am going to be learning Salvadoranion haha but I am picking it up well at first I could understand about 15 percent of what people were saying, and now I can get about 60! hehe yay! but It will be here soon! By October I should be fluent! …says my trainer anyway...... at least that is what I think he said.... hehe

But anyways we have 2 baptisms scheduled for this next Saturday! One is a sweet 11 year old girl named Kaeti ( it is pronounced Katy in english) but she is the daughter of a less active woman and is really excited to be baptized! the other is a boy that is name Bryant, he may not be baptized though because every time we go to teach him he isn’t home and we haven’t taught him as much as we need to.  But either way we have one for sure this Saturday! Exciting huh? We are also teaching a few other families, It is so fun to teach them the gospel and feel the spirit fill the home! it is so cool! This will be a great two years! Keep praying for me, I am always praying for you all! things are going to be good! I also wanted to tell you about church here! we have to travel about 15 minutes by bus to church, but it is a very nice church! There is no air conditioning though so it makes it a bit warm! but it is exactly like church at home, same lessons, same type of talks in sacrament! Funny to see that the church doesn't change even around the world!

Some random things that I wanted to tell you all:

There are these bread bikes that go around all day long selling bread! They have a horn on their bikes and squeak it going up and down the street! This is SO annoying! They start to go around at about 5 am it wakes me up! and then they dont stop going around until like 9 at night! gah so annoying! haha

We have to use Agua Cristal for our drinking water, so I haven't gotten sick yet! yay!

Dear elders! They have dear elders for my mission,  go online and if you send it by Thursday, it will get to Sl Salvador by the following Monday! Like 3 days! The church has some connections to get them sent faster! Cool eh?

We seriously live like kinds in the US! the apartments at the end of our street are like the very best houses here! there are the rich sections that have like 6 million dollar houses, but for the average person that is about it!

everyone has parrots as pets! it is kind of cool!

I got to go to the temple on Saturday! It is a really small temple but it is so pretty next to the really really green landscape of the mountains behind it! EVERYONE is SO SO SO excited for the temple! Before this temple they had to take like a 3 day trip to the temple! it is so cool to see how many people are so grateful to have it so close!

Anyways! That is about all I wanted to say! I will respond to a few things from your emails next week and if you want me to for sure respond to something let me know at the beginning of your next week emails sound good?  I will also send pictures next week after I have a few more we can send them over the email really easily so that is how I will be sending pictures! I love you all! Hope all is well! if there is anything I can do for you let me know! let me know when Kortnee and Kalee get married yeah? Hopefully soon hehehe Just kidding! es una broma!

I love you all! Stay strong! I will be safe, mom. Hope all is well!

Elder Braden Woodfield            

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week 8 (07/14/11) - The MTC

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hola Familia!

Only 3 more full days left in the MTC for me! I am so excited to leave! I am so excited for normal food! I am so excited to go to El Salvador! :) YAY! Regardless of how nice it is here on campus it is definitely a very confined place after 9 weeks, first few weeks were fine it was just after the EXACT same schedule for 8 weeks and one day ( so far only 3 days left!). So this week was almost exact of last week, I woke up every day at 615 (not 630 because you can't get a shower then!) but then I went through my day, class, TALL (computer program for the language) gym personal study and food. Basically if I was speaking Russian and had 3 more weeks I would explode!!

But there is always the upside of church and devotionals in the MTC this Sunday we had a really cool devotional on repentance and how it was not a sad, or scary thing, how it is meant to be an extremely happy thing. the speaker said that we as a culture have gotten into the mindset that repentance is bad. The speaker used the phrase "I want to be in the repentance hall of fame" He wants to become someone who is always repenting even of the little things. He related it back to us and how we can teach repentance and how when we teach someone with major transgressions we need to emphasize how repentance is a good/great thing in our lives! We also had a member of the 70 come this week on Tuesday. He spoke of Christ and gave a presentation depicting his atonement and how infinite it really was. One of my favorite quotes is that " If we have a hard time comprehending how far the extent of the atonement goes on this world (for about 80 billion people) how much more incredible is it that it was for the ENTIRE universe. For worlds with out end" The savior's atonement is incredible! I love it so much, and I love him!!

I testify of the Atonement of Jesucristo and that this church is true! I love you all! I will call Monday around 12:30/1:00 ish!

Hope you are all well!!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 7 (07/07/11) - The MTC

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Hola Familia!

10 days until I leave for El Salvador!!! I don't have my travel plans just yet but I am definitely ready! I should be getting my travel plans later today so I will send a letter home letting everyone know times and stuff so I can call deal? :)

As for this week, same as ever! Just living life in the MTC! I just have to say.... I am so bored of it here! I definitely need the time to learn the language but I just feel like I would learn so much more quickly if I were to be speaking to native speakers! I am excited for El Salvador!

As for the devotionals this week, we had Jenny Oaks Baker come to the devotional on Sunday! This is the daughter of Elder Oaks of the quorum of the 12. She is one of the world’s best violinists and she played us some music! She played a lot of really cool songs like Amazing Grace and This is the Christ! It was good to get to just sit there and listen rather then have to hear a speaker :) also we got to have a fourth of July celebration Saturday night! it was cool they had a speaker that is one of the branch presidents of the MTC who is also an advisor to the president during the week! He spoke with us about how important it is to have freedom in all around the world for the sole purpose of being able to spread the gospel everywhere! We then got to have ice cream (which was cool because we were supposed to be fasting but the MTC gave it to us so it was ok I guess!) but then we got to watch the fireworks from the stadium of fire it was really cool! It definitely made me miss home a lot! I can't wait to come home and blow some stuff up with Derek when I'm home!

I love you all!! Hope you are all well!! I got your letters and I will write you back today! It may be a bit short though because We are assigned to clean the temple at 12:30 and won’t be done till like 4 or so, so that takes up like half our p day! Its ok though! I am excited to serve in the house of the lord!!