Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 103 (05/13/13) - Last email!

Hey guys! I love you all so much!

I don't really know what else I can tell you all that I didn't tell you all on Saturday! It has been a good weekend! We had a baptism Saturday and she was confirmed yesterday morning! She is really happy! I will show you all pictures and let you all know more details Thursday! I am excited to see you all and to start school and everything! Life's changes can be hard/bittersweet but I am really feeling good about my service and my time here! Thank you all for supporting me so much! I love all! See you all in the airport Thursday!

Love you all!!

(and for hopefully not the last time.....)
Elder Woodfield

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 102 (05/06) - More baptisms and Mother's Day

Hey guys! 

Today I'm not going to write very much because I don't have very much time! But I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you all!!!

This last weekend we had a baptism! The two kids from the Familia Parada Ortiz were baptized! Hector (14 years old) and Rosario (16 years old) - I am so glad that I could be here for their baptism! We have been fighting since December to get them to this point (not fighting with them, just fighting against doubts and problems that have come up haha) but they are so happy! They feel really good and have changed a ton! I am glad to be a missionary!!

It has been a good week! We have been working hard and doing a lot of stuff! I know that this is God's true work and that he loves each of us!

Well family! It's almost Mother's Day again! It's going to be kind of funny talking over Skype again as I am coming home so soon! haha but we will be on Skype this Saturday! (We can't do it on the actual Mother's Day because the President asked us to not do it on a member's computer so that means we have to do it in a cyber and we can't go on Sundays because that would be against the commandments! haha) but we will be on Skype Saturday afternoon at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon! If you can have Lizzie set up skype and everything, that would be great and I will just call her!

Anyway, love you all!!! Stay close and don't forget that I love you all!!!

I love you all!


P.S. Could you guys make me homemade chewy oatmeal cookies for when I get home? I am craving them!! With lots of chocolate chips and no raisins...I still hate raisins! haha

P.S.S. If you could have my talk topic for my homecoming when I call on Saturday? That would be great so I can start to meditate on it! Love you guys!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Week 101 (04/29/2013) - Baptism of 88 year old, Hermano Marcos

Baptism of Hermano Marcos
Braden with elders in his zone - Left to right - Unknown, Braden, Elder Jacob Dinino, Elder Scott Mehr
Braden is not in this photo but they had nearly 100 baptisms in their zone in April - incredible! 

Hey guys! 

We had a baptism this last weekend! Hermano Marcos was baptized! He is the guy that has been going to church for 3 years and never got baptized because he said he didn't want to! He is a good guy! I attached a picture! It was really funny because he broke his wrist like a week and a half ago and he has a cast on! But it was interesting to see an 88 year old man get baptized! It is a lot harder than it sounds! haha...He had to be baptized 3 times!Iit was really funny!

It has been a really good week. We have been working hard and we've found some good, new people! We should be having other baptisms this weekend too! My goal is to baptize every weekend until the end of my mission! Pray for me! I love you guys!

I loved seeing the picture of Hna Rogelia and you all eating lunch together! I am so glad that she was able to get with you and that it went well! I love you guys! Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you guys! Thank you for taking her to lunch!

I don't have much time today because I have been talking a lot to the other elders and I haven't been focused but I just wanted to tell you all that I love you! I am excited to see you all soon and I am preparing to come home! I hope that all goes well for all of you this week! I love you all!
