Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 1 (05/26/11) - The MTC

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I love you! I miss being with you but this is a great place to be! I am going to be writing you a big letter today telling you all that I haven't had time for before now! I want to tell you just about a normal day at the MTC as it would take a bit longer to tell you in a letter :) So on my first day, we got here and an Elder took me to a building to get my nametag and then he took me to my room. My room, as you saw in my picture, is just a basic room with two bunk beds. My companion and I are lucky because we are the only two in our room and every other room has four! :) But it is nice, the beds are a little hard and the first couple days my back hurt but I have been doing some back exercises and it has helped my back get stronger and not hurt anymore! But after I went to my room, he took me straight to class. I was here about 20-25 minutes and then I was at class where the teachers (Hermano Kern y Hermano Redd) ONLY spoke Spanish to us! We are a part of the "pilot" program, which is a more intense program than the others that came before us :)  it was good though we just talked and got to know each other, and that is where I was assigned my companion.  That night we had orientation with the zone leaders - they are missionaries that have been here for like 8 1/2 weeks and are almost out! But Thursday was basically all orientation - just basic how you do things and what not and then Friday we got to teach! We had to teach in all Spanish!!! Our investigator, Jose, is a member that goes to BYU but he pretended to only speak Spanish!!! Crazy, isn't it? My 2nd full day and I'm already teaching in pure Spanish? Then, we had a good weekend of working hard on the language (I will tell you more about it later) and then we got to have Sunday! Sundays are a bit different - we got to go to priesthood where we had a lesson taught by our second counselor of the branch presidency and then we had sacrament! In sacrament, they call on two elders to give a 5 minute talk in Spanish. Cool huh? Then we hear from a member of the branch presidency.  Then most of the rest of the day was personal study time excluding a devotional from one of the MTC presidency! It was cool to see all the elders together!  Well, I'm running out of time. But Tuesday night was an awesome night! We got to hear from someone special! I will tell you about it in the letter though! Look forward to it :)

Love always! 
